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NPTF Planning Session 6 April 2009. FY ‘10 NPTF Members 2  Robin Beck, ISC  Michael Palladino, ISC (Chair)  Mark Aseltine /Amy Phillips, ISC  Gary.

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Presentation on theme: "NPTF Planning Session 6 April 2009. FY ‘10 NPTF Members 2  Robin Beck, ISC  Michael Palladino, ISC (Chair)  Mark Aseltine /Amy Phillips, ISC  Gary."— Presentation transcript:

1 NPTF Planning Session 6 April 2009

2 FY ‘10 NPTF Members 2  Robin Beck, ISC  Michael Palladino, ISC (Chair)  Mark Aseltine /Amy Phillips, ISC  Gary Delson / Geoff Filinuk, ISC  Dave Millar/ Jim Choate, ISC  Deke Kassabian / Adam Preset, ISC  Sue Kennedy / David Valentine, Business Services  Manuel Pena, Housing and Conference Services  Cathy DiBonaventura/ Rick Haverkamp, Design  Helen Anderson, SEAS  Brian Doherty, SAS  John Irwin, GSE  Ira Winston, SEAS, SAS, Design  Janet Lind / Mike Herzog, SOM  Deirdre Woods / Dan Alig, Wharton  Rich Cardona, Annenberg  Kayann McDonnell, Law  Donna Milici/ John Singler, Nursing  Jeff Fahnoe, Dental  Grover McKenzie, Library  Mary Spada, VPUL  Marilyn Spicer, College Houses  Joseph Shannon, Div. of Finance  Dominic Pasqualino, OAC  Marilyn Jost, FRES  Michael Weaver, Budget Mgmt. Analysis  David Kern, Public Safety

3 Meeting Schedule 3  April 6 (planning session)  May 4  June 1  July 6  August 3  September 21  October 19  November 2 (rate setting)  November 16 (if necessary)

4 Agenda 4  Rates  Wireless  Planning discussion

5 Rates 5  Ports  Effective March 1, 2009, all 10meg and 100meg port rates will be reduced to $5.25 for FY ‘10 Rate maybe further reduced to $5.00 in FY10  Central Service Fee  We originally requested $5,198,999 for FY ‘10, the revised request is $5,090,212, up less than $15k from FY ‘09  2-Factor pilot ($200k)  Funded through N&T cost savings through contract renegotiations  Wireless  FY 10 rates are $34.58/month rather than previously projected $38 AP support - $28.03/Port - $5.25/vLAN - $1.25  MAGPI/Internet2  Bandwidth increased to 200 meg from 105 with only a $4k increase

6 Wireless Update 6  Evaluated next generation wireless, controller-based architecture with “802.11N” capabilities  Piloting in ISC, SAS and CHC  Currently testing new features such as failover, increased bandwidth with 802.11n, and coverage areas  If successful,100% roll-out in ResNet in Summer of 2009  Rest of campus will be upgraded by end of FY 2010  New wireless will offer 802.11 a/b/g  802.11n to be included over time.  Good trade in costs and strong negotiations helped to keep under our projected monthly support costs for FY10

7 Wireless Update 7  Future Plans  Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2) conversion Offers better encryption of data Protects against DOS attacks Required for 802.11n Would require client reconfiguration Would pilot this in order to make a seamless as possible  Explore VoIP and/or Video over wireless  Continue to monitor other wireless technologies (WiMax, Fixed Mobile Convergence)

8 Planning Session 8  What is on your minds?  What is important to you?  What operational things can we do better?  What strategic things should we be focusing on?  In these tight fiscal times, is there anything we should stop doing? Any legacy things to drop?

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