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Malpas 20:20 Overview of Neighbourhood Planning. TIERCURRENTPROPOSED NATIONALPlanning policy guidance and statements, planning circulars Single consolidated.

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Presentation on theme: "Malpas 20:20 Overview of Neighbourhood Planning. TIERCURRENTPROPOSED NATIONALPlanning policy guidance and statements, planning circulars Single consolidated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malpas 20:20 Overview of Neighbourhood Planning

2 TIERCURRENTPROPOSED NATIONALPlanning policy guidance and statements, planning circulars Single consolidated National Planning Policy Framework REGIONALRegional Strategy (RS)RSS abolished LOCALLocal Development Framework Local Development Framework (‘Local Plan’) NEIGHBOURHOODTown/Village Design Statement (SPD) Neighbourhood Plan

3 Neighbourhood Plans The principle is simple. Local people come together and agree, “this is what we want our area to look like. Here is where we want the new homes to go and how we want them designed; here is where we want our shops and offices; here are the green spaces we want to protect” (...) Greg Clark November 2010

4 Neighbourhood Planning tools Neighbourhood Development Plan Neighbourhood Development Order

5 Neighbourhood Development Plan Sets out policies in relation to the development and use of land in a particular neighbourhood Will be part of the statutory ‘development plan’

6 Neighbourhood Development Order Can grant planning permission for: (i) a specific development on a site, or (ii) for a type of development across a wider area

7 Who will prepare them? ‘Qualifying bodies’ : –Town and parish councils –Neighbourhood forums (unparished areas) NPs can cover part / all / more than one parish Qualifying body must be agreed by LPA ‘Neighbourhood areas’ designated by the LPA

8 Key Stages Profile of the TownChallenges and OpportunitiesVision and ObjectivesDraft PlanLocal ExaminationReferendum

9 Neighbourhood plans cannot cover… Minerals Waste Nationally significant infrastructure projects Major developments requiring Environmental Assessment

10 Neighbourhood Plans must…. Be in general conformity with the strategic elements of the Local Plan Have regard to national planning policy (NPPF)

11 Support from CW&C Dedicated support officer Evidence base – stats, studies, GIS Advice – technical and procedural Networking Sustainability appraisal Web-based resources Sharing best/good practice

12 First considerations Project plan – stages, milestones, timing Governance / ToR / roles and responsibilities Resources What are you looking to achieve? (scope of plan will affect all of the above….and this may change as the plan evolves)

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