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Writing a Letter to Argue your Case

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Letter to Argue your Case"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Letter to Argue your Case

2 Discussion Conventions
Don’t take sides Say what ‘people’ think some people say others argue some people would claim that others reply

3 Keep it balanced on the one hand - on the other hand

4 Don’t be too definite – use conditionals
It could be claimed that This might mean Possibly Perhaps

5 Barnsdale District Council
Planning Department Cavendish Place Barnsdale BM1 2GL Tel: Fax: Ref: BDCHICWHPP775aE1 7 July 2007 Dear Resident Windpower Holdings have applied for permission to build a wind farm on Lammermoor, covering 950 acres near the villages of Edenthorpe and Whitfield. In accordance with Regulation 55b of the Town and Country Planning Directives, I wish to draw your attention to the following information. The wind farm will consist of 12 turbines 80 metres high placed on Lammermoor Ridge on either side of a Service Road. The Service Road will follow the route of the B6291 through Whitfield where the road will be widened. All the buildings to the east side of the road will have to be demolished. Compensation will be paid at market rates. A new viaduct will carry the road across the Lammer valley.

6 30 kilometres of pylons will link the wind farm to the National Grid.
It is important to point out that the energy needs of the Barnsdale area will increase in the next 10 years. These needs can be met by the proposed wind farm or by adding an extension to the environmentally-harmful coal-fired power station near Barnsdale. A plan and a computer-generated view of the wind farm are attached at Annex A. If you have any comments which you would like the council to take into consideration you must contact this office within one month, quoting the above reference number. Yours faithfully, H. I. Clouds Chief Planning Officer

7 Barnsdale District Council
Planning Department Cavendish Place Barnsdale BM1 2GL Tel: Fax: Ref: BDCHICWHPP775aE1 7 July 2007 Dear Resident Windpower Holdings have applied for permission to build a wind farm on Lammermoor, covering 950 acres near the villages of Edenthorpe and Whitfield. In accordance with Regulation 55b of the Town and Country Planning Directives, I wish to draw your attention to the following information. The wind farm will consist of 12 turbines 80 metres high placed on Lammermoor Ridge on either side of a Service Road. The Service Road will follow the route of the B6291 through Whitfield where the road will be widened. All the buildings to the east side of the road will have to be demolished. Compensation will be paid at market rates. A new viaduct will carry the road across the Lammer valley. 30 kilometres of pylons will link the wind farm to the National Grid. It is important to point out that the energy needs of the Barnsdale area will increase in the next 10 years. These needs can be met by the proposed wind farm or by adding an extension to the environmentally-harmful coal-fired power station near Barnsdale. A plan and a computer-generated view of the wind farm are attached at Annex A. If you have any comments which you would like the council to take into consideration you must contact this office within one month, quoting the above reference number. Yours faithfully, H. I. Clouds Chief Planning Officer

8 A Wind Farm in Scotland

9 What will Happen if Planning Permission is Given ?
A wind farm covering 950 acres will be built A service road will be built A new viaduct ( bridge ) will be built to take the road across the valley

10 Buildings to the east of the service road will be demolished ( knocked down ) and compensation will be paid 30km. of pylons will link the wind farm to the National Grid

11 What are the benefits of this wind farm ?
Increased energy needs over the next few years will be met. What is the Alternative ? An environmentally harmful coal-fired power station near Barnsdale.

12 Questions Would you like the wind farm to be built near you ?
Why ? Try to think of more than one reason if you can. Will your buildings be demolished ( knocked down ) ? Is the compensation money enough ? Do you want a big, new viaduct ( bridge ) across the valley ? Do you want more pylons near your home ( big metal towers carrying electricity cables ) ? Is it better to have a coal-fired power station which will harm the environment or an environmentally-friendly wind farm ?

13 WALT We are learning to…….
Edit our written work ( using capital letters, full stops and other punctuation) Use paragraphs

14 WILT What I’m looking for……..
Signs of editing Work set out in paragraphs

15 Write a letter, on plain paper, using a line guide, to the Chief Planning Officer as if you are a resident. Set it out correctly using the letter as a model to the layout. Remember to use full stops, capital letters and paragraphs Read your letter to a partner – edit each other’s letter and suggest any improvements which could be made

16 Some Useful Words or Phrases
some people say others argue some people would claim that others reply on the one hand on the other hand It could be claimed that Possibly This might mean Perhaps

17 Extension task Work with a partner to create a personal LSCWC spelling list ( up to 10 words ) Do a neat copy of your rough draft for display

18 Plenary Would anyone like to share any improvements their partner has suggested to them ? Do you think it helps talking things over with a partner ?

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