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CHAPTER 9 Muslim Civilization. Origins of Islam AArabian Peninsula HHarsh land VVast desert interior SSmall bands of BEDOUINS: NOMADIC ARAB PEOPLE.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 9 Muslim Civilization. Origins of Islam AArabian Peninsula HHarsh land VVast desert interior SSmall bands of BEDOUINS: NOMADIC ARAB PEOPLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 9 Muslim Civilization

2 Origins of Islam AArabian Peninsula HHarsh land VVast desert interior SSmall bands of BEDOUINS: NOMADIC ARAB PEOPLE moved herds between scattered oases

3 IIn Arabia, farming was limited CCommerce was lively because trade routes converged at the Arabian Peninsula IIdeas were also exchanged

4 Mecca MMost important trading town was Mecca AAt the heart of Mecca was a large cube-shaped structure called the Kaaba IIn its side was a stone said to be a relic of heaven MMany gods and goddesses were worshipped here SSupreme GOD: ALLAH

5 Muhammad the Messenger 5570 Muhammad ibn Abd Allah “Muhammad” was born BBoth his parents died when he was young RRaised by his uncle, a powerful clan leader SSuccessful career as a merchant in Mecca RRespected for fairness and intelligence 225, married an older widow – Khadijah HHad 6 children – all died but daughter Fatimah

6 Muhammad  As he traveled, he met followers of Judaism and Christianity  These faiths influenced his thinking  Religious- had habit of leaving his home to live in a cave to pray and reflect  610: while there he awoke to find an angel who commanded him to speak revelations from Allah  First verses of the scripture  Deeply troubled, unsure of its meaning  Khadijah helped him understand  God had chosen him to be a prophet

7 The Revelations 1. Allah was the one and only true God 2. Instructions how people should live to please Allah and live in paradise after death Began to preach to Meccans Powerful Meccans did not accept teachings Concerned his teachings would interrupt business When Muhammad’s uncle died, he knew he and his followers weren’t safe in Mecca

8 Sharing and Revelations MMuhammad moved from Mecca to Medina HHEGIRA: MUHAMMADS MOVE TO MEDINA FFirst year of the Islamic calendar IISLAM: ACHIEVING PEACE THROUGH SUBMISSION TO GOD MMuslims: followers of Islam

9 Basic Ideas of Islam QQUR’AN: SACRED TEXT OF ISLAM MMuhammad’s revelations are written here MMuslims read from the Qur’an to hear Allah’s teachings OOnly in the original Arabic can one know the full meaning and beauty of the text

10 FFIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM: BASIC ACTS OF WORSHIP 1. Profession of Faith: “There is no god but Allah” 2. Performance of five daily prayers facing Mecca 3. Giving of alms to poor 4. Fast without food and drink during month of Ramadan 5. HAJJ: PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA MOSQUE: PLACE OF WORSHIP

11 Guidelines for Behavior QQur’an provides guidelines for moral behavior FForbidden to eat pork FForbidden to drink alcohol WWash before prayer JJIHAD: “STRUGGLE FOR FAITH” OR DEFEND ISLAM

12 SSHARIA: LEGAL SYSTEM THAT REFLECTS THE VARIOUS RULES MUSLIMS SHOULD LIVE BY NNever became standardized DDoes outline method for reasoning and argument for legal cases IInterpretations vary Modernists Traditionalists Fundamentalists

13 Spread of Islam after Muhammad’s Death MMuhammad did not name a successor NNo clear candidate for the position CCALIPH: SUCCESSOR AAbu Bakr: close friend of Muhammad, built up military, reunified Arabia, led armies North 6642: Persian Empire fell, Nile Valley 6639: Byzantines lost Damascus, Syria, Jerusalem 6661: CALIPHATE: AREA RULED BY CALIPH

14 644: Umayyad clan of Mecca took over (previous enemies of Muhammad) ““Way of the Prophet” FFollowers of the Umayyads ““Party of Ali” FFollowers of Ali GGod had specially blessed Ali’s descendants because they were Muhammad’s true heirs SunnisShia Ali, cousin and son-in-law to Muhammad became caliph next, but the Umayyads killed him and took back control

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