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BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Prof. Dr. S. Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi B.Sc. CRP (UET, LHR); M.Sc. HSP (AIT, Bangkok); Ph.D. URP (Birmingham University,

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Prof. Dr. S. Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi B.Sc. CRP (UET, LHR); M.Sc. HSP (AIT, Bangkok); Ph.D. URP (Birmingham University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Prof. Dr. S. Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi B.Sc. CRP (UET, LHR); M.Sc. HSP (AIT, Bangkok); Ph.D. URP (Birmingham University, UK) Dean, Faculty of Architecture & Planning University of Engg. & Technology, Lahore

2 DEVELOPMENT DEFINED The word development is defined as ‘the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or making of any material change in the use of buildings or other land’. (Cullingworth, 1982, p.78).

3 TOWN PLANNING AND THE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL John Stephenson (1982, p.7) defines Town Planning as, ‘Planning falls broadly into two categories. First, development planning is the part of the process in which the future of the area in question is mapped out. The plans will be concerned not only with building but also with job opportunities, manpower, education, and transport. Secondly, development control ensures that the construction of buildings, and the use to which land and buildings are put conforms to established policies’.

4 APPLICATION OF BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Land Use Control can be ensured through the development of a Land Use Zoning Plan and the application of an effective building control and development control system to implement the Master Plan. Generally speaking all developments should require planning permission which can be obtained from local planning authority such as TMAs under the present local government system in Pakistan. This requires the application of Building Control Bylaws and Scheme Approval Regulations. The TO (P&C) has to carry out this assignment in a TMA. In the development authorities the Town Planning wing does this job.

5 Implementation of Plans through Building and Development Control Development control is the cutting edge of the land use planning system. It is the mechanism by which planning affects most people and a Master Plan (which is prepared in consultation with the concerned people and is approved by a people’s representative body) gets implemented. Development control necessarily involves some procedure for enforcement. This is provided by ‘enforcement notices’ under which an owner who carries out development with out permission or in breach of conditions can be compelled to undo development—even if this involves the demolition of a new building.

6 Building Byelaws and Development Control Regulations Building and Development Control is implemented through certain laws or byelaws such as: 1) Zoning and Land Sub-division Regulations as in USA or Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 of U.K. (Comprehensive Town Planning Laws). 2) Building Byelaws of LDA, Lahore. (Byelaws prepared by local development authorities or TMAs). 3) Punjab Private Site Development Schemes (Regulation) Rules, 2005. (Provincial level Rules and Regulations).

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