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Religion and Social Responsibility
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How Christians make Moral Decisions
Key words: Bible Church Conscience Situation Ethics
Use what the Bible says Inspired by God
contains Gods teachings eg 10 Commandments Contains teachings of Jesus – parables Teachings of other important Christian leaders eg St Peter and St Paul BUT differences in HOW important it is Absolute word of God – dictated by God to writers Word of God BUT needs interpreting by Church Written by humans inspired by God
Use what the Church says
Explains the meaning of the Bible for today Church leaders best to interpret Church is way Jesus works in the world today God still speaks to people today through the Church Individual interpretations would lead to different views on how to behave and no consistency
Use what your conscience says
Inner feeling of rightness and wrongness of action Voice of God Church and Christian leaders have said to follow conscience BUT Could be mistaken eg Yorkshire Ripper Can follow Bible and Church
Use Situation Ethics Most loving thing to do in the situation
Jesus – love your neighbour as yourself Follow Bible and Church if it is most loving thing to do in situation Jesus did it – healing on Sabbath Cannot look at actions without circumstances/consequences BUT God gave Bible to follow Church knows better – Sit Ethics focuses on individual Can’t ever know full situation/consequence so could get it wrong
Summary Bible Church Conscience Situation Ethics
Most Christians use a combination of these especially the Bible and the Church.
Electoral System in the UK
First past the post = most votes wins = current system. MP’s have constituencies – local election; MP with most votes wins seat and sits in Parliament. Good because MPs represent particular areas – constituents – local interest. Can be independent of main political parties. Proportional representation = seats distributed according to proportion of votes each party gets – used in Scotland Good because wishes of voters respected – if 20% of country vote Lib Dem they will get that proportion of seats in Parliament. Also need more than 50% of vote to form Govt and would lead to more coalition govts and cooperation between parties.
Why is it important to vote in elections?
To have a say in what happens in the country People fought for the vote – right to use it Can’t complain about the running of local/national govt if didn’t vote
National Government Led by Prime Minister and Cabinet
Responsible for health, social security, defence, employment, agriculture, transport, law, environment, education. Funded through income tax, National Insurance, VAT etc
Local Government Local council led by a mayor.
Responsible for local schools, police force, fire brigade, refuse, street cleaning, council houses, leisure services, social services, planning permission, registration of births, deaths and marriages etc. Funded through council tax and grants from the national government
Christian attitudes to politics
Separate: Religion about individual and spiritual development Judges on how loved God and neighbour not on politics Jesus said – political part and a spiritual part of life and should keep separate St Paul – obey political leaders because have authority from God Cannot mix the two in multi-faith society as would be conflict Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Linked Religion is whole way of life Decide who to vote for on basis of Christian ideas Jesus – threw money changers out of temple – he had authority over politics as well as religion Jesus said cannot serve God and money – religion should control politics You must show your faith through your actions – politics is the way to change people’s situations Church teaching – help poor, work for peace etc – can do this through politics
Welfare State Five evil giants facing Britain 1942 = Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor, Idleness Welfare State set up to tackle these Cradle to grave Institutional – for all rich or poor BUT some aspects are now means tested so only available to very poor Provisions eg free education, child benefit, NHS, sickness benefit, State pensions, Means tested benefits, etc
Non religious views FOR: Fairer society Part of democracy Efficient
Humanitarian – civilised More progress AGAINST: Violates freedom – takes money Anti-democratic – forces contributions Removes pride and responsibility People become reliant
Christians should support it
Decalogue Honour parents, Do not murder Golden Rule Treat others as you would want them to treat you Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Christian duty to feed hungry, clothe naked, visit the sick etc
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