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Limestone Quarries L.O: To understand how limestone is quarried and how this can affect quarried and how this can affect the surrounding area. the surrounding.

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Presentation on theme: "Limestone Quarries L.O: To understand how limestone is quarried and how this can affect quarried and how this can affect the surrounding area. the surrounding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limestone Quarries L.O: To understand how limestone is quarried and how this can affect quarried and how this can affect the surrounding area. the surrounding area.

2 Limestone quarries are important for building materials, but they have many environmental impacts

3 The destruction of habitats

4 An eyesore

5 Dust and dirt

6 Getting rid of the waste

7 More Traffic

8 Tourism????

9 Noise

10 Environment change and habitat destruction

11 Changes to habitat

12 Environmental damage / reshaping the landscape

13 JOBS!!!!

14 What to do with the quarry when the limestone is gone?

15  Can you think of the advantages to quarrying limestone?  What is Limestone?  Can you think of any disadvantages to quarrying limestone?

16 Before setting up quarries, owners have to consider many factors. These may be good or bad.  The cost of extracting the mineral from the ore  The quality of the ore  The extra jobs that’s will e created  The availability of people living nearby to work in the quarry  The amount of noise that will result from blasting away the rock  The dust and dirt that will be produced  The impact of quarrying on the landscape  The impact of the quarry on the local wildlife  The extra traffic  The effect on local shops  The effect on tourism if the quarry is in a tourist area  The need for new roads to transport the ore away  The price that the minerals could be sold for  What could be done with the quarry after all the ore has been removed

17 You are going to take part in an imaginary Public Inquiry concerning a limestone quarry.  Limeco Ltd have a large limestone quarry set in beautiful country in the Peak District National Park in Derbyshire. Limeco have asked the National Park Authority for planning permission to extend the quarry. They want to double the amount of limestone produced by making the quarry much larger. The Authority has refused them permission. Limeco have appealed against the decision, and now there is to be a Public Inquiry.  In favour = Limeco Representatives, Industrial Users of Limestone, Trade Unions  Against = The National Park Authority, The Local residents, Local Conservation Group

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