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 Essential Question: Identify the different points of view of political parties on annexation.

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Presentation on theme: " Essential Question: Identify the different points of view of political parties on annexation."— Presentation transcript:

1  Essential Question: Identify the different points of view of political parties on annexation.

2  Provided for the basic governing of the state  Resembled the Louisiana constitution  Called for an elected governor every 2 years  Provided for:  A two-house legislature  House of Representatives— elected 2 year term  Senate—elected 4 year term  Protected system of slavery 48 th Texas Governor Greg Abbott

3  J. Pinckney Henderson elected first governor, served 1 term  His wife Francis Cox Henderson was first woman to practice law in Texas  Landscape architect Frederick Olmsted was impressed with the way the legislature worked 1 st Texas Governor J. Pinckney Henderson

4  By 1850s, political parties had become organized.  The Democratic Party, strong in the South, represented farmers and laborers (small business owners).  Very popular  The party of Southern favorite, former U.S. president Andrew Jackson  Later split into 2 groups: Northern and Southern Democrats

5  The Whig Party represented banking and large business (or commercial) interests, and few Texans supported it because it opposed expanding slavery to new territories and annexation of Texas.  The Republican Party was anti-slavery and therefore had no support in Texas nor the South.

6  Some Texans joined the American Party, or Know-Nothings, whose members tried to keep new immigrants and Catholics from voting or holding public office.  Supported slavery  Secretive politically…”I Know Nothing!”  Nativism—favoring interests of native-born American citizens

7  Women had no rights to vote or participate in politics  Slaves and Native Americans had no rights  Free African Americans were denied the right to vote and join political parties  Filed petitions to remain free  Went to court to protect their freedoms

8  To stop the conflicts b/w settlers and Native Americans, the U.S. government placed many Natives on reservations— unsuccessful, Natives…  Not given enough land to survive  Refused to move onto reservations  Many settlers opposed reservation system b/c many raids were made by Natives living on reservations

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