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Wessex Institute of Technology Southampton, (UK) Internationally recognised organisation dedicated to advanced research and training on the computational.

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Presentation on theme: "Wessex Institute of Technology Southampton, (UK) Internationally recognised organisation dedicated to advanced research and training on the computational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wessex Institute of Technology Southampton, (UK) Internationally recognised organisation dedicated to advanced research and training on the computational solution of engineering problems, including the supervision of PhD and MPhil theses (validated by a top UK university) and the organisation of international courses and conferences Four Divisions: Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Information and Communications Technology, Industrial Research, Damage Mechanics Relevant Expertise: Environmental Risk Assessment + CFD, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques, etc Currently participating in 4 FP6 EC funded projects Institute Personnel: Staff = 47; No. students; Phd + MPhil = 45 TEWS Info Day, 31 Jan 2006, Paris

2 Potential Interest/Contribution to TEWS Interested in: Early Warning System Design – –Use of networks of Bottom Pressure Gauges + Hydrophones + Seismic Stations in EWSs – –Homogenization of the data and resolving the issues of time difference in signals from different sensors Real time signal processing from different sensors (BPRs, hydrophones, seismic stations, etc) for EWSs Management of large scale distributed systems (BPRs, hydrophones, seismic stations, sea level, etc)

3 Potential Interest/Contribution to TEWS The use of hydrophones in the EWS – –Hydrophones can detect the tsunami wave like dispersive signals between 1 and 25 mHz (Hanson & Bowman, Geoph. Res. Letters, 32, 1-5, 2005) – –Hydrophone data (acoustic T-waves) can be processed with a help of machine learning techniques (ANNs, Genetic Algorithms) for automated recognition of tsunamis Organization of workshops, courses and conferences for dissemination of knowledge and preparation and maintenance of a web-based platform for communication and exchange of information Contact point: [Dr Viktor Popov] Email: [ ] Tel: [+44 2380 293223] Url: []

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