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COMMUNICATION AND CONFLICT CHAPTER 9 REVIEW. CONFLICT AND COMMUNICATION What is an example of an image conflict? Value conflict? Relational conflict?

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2 CONFLICT AND COMMUNICATION What is an example of an image conflict? Value conflict? Relational conflict? What is an example of symmetrical escalation? What is Pursuit-Withdrawal On the explanatory process model, what is the difference between proximal outcomes and distal outcomes? What are the four parts of the four part model for understanding conflict? Skits


4 RELATIONSHIPS AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION How are they related? Communication Indicates close relationships Develops close relationships Interpersonal relationship same as interpersonal communication?

5 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS Role relationships vs. Close Relationships Close relationships = unique communication patterns: Can the two overlap?

6 DEFINING/FRAMING CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Cultural Performances Cognitive Constructs Relational scripts (narrow vs. broad) Basic vs. Complex constructs Linguistic Constructs Labeling Culture Relational culture Your examples (AE #11) Examples: Remember Meredith and Cristina? Gender

7 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS Friendships Role of Gossip Healthy Friendships vs. Unhealthy Friendships Example: Romantic relationships Families Defining family What’s your definition? Family stories Example: The Cosby Show What does the clip say about their relational culture? Rituals (everyday interactions, traditions, or celebrations)

8 COMMUNICATING IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Systems Theory Dialectics Theory Social Exchanges Theories Stage Models

9 SYSTEMS THEORY Relationships as living systems 6 part system Wholeness Interdependence Hierarchy Boundaries or openness Calibration or feedback e.g. communication Equifinality

10 DIALECTICS THEORY Autonomy vs. Connection (3:20 mark) Novelty vs. Predictability For example: romance and surprises Judgment vs. Acceptance Affection vs. Instrumentality Public vs. Private Ideal vs. Real Where do you fall within each “category” in terms of your best friend? On the back of your AE#11, pick one of the dialectics and apply it to your close relationship Questions to consider: How much are we together/apart? Are we allowed to judge each other? Are there boundaries? Do we just provide affection for one another? Or does our friendship serve an instrumental function? Reflect and discuss.

11 SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORIES Social exchange (costs vs. rewards) Theory of Interdependence When costs outweigh rewards Comparison level Comparison level of alternatives Relative power position

12 KNAPP’S STAGE MODELS Coming Together Initiating Short-term attraction vs. Long-term attraction Experimenting Small Talk Intensifying Integrating Bonding Coming Apart Differentiating Possible conflict? Circumscribing Stagnating Avoiding Terminating

13 HOW TO COMMUNICATE To Begin Networking Offering Approaching Sustaining Affinity seeking To maintain and/or repair To maintain Preventative Maintenance (assurance, openness, positivity, sharing tasks, social networking) Support Using Humor To repair Corrective Maintenance Meta-Communication Apology

14 APPLICATION EXERCISE #12 (30 PTS) Complete the handout on my faculty webpage (in chart of Application exercises) Number responses; type Will discuss in class

15 CATFISH! Watch the film; will discuss (part of grade) For application exercise #13 (10 pts) you will: Jot down notes to aid you in our discussion. After the film, respond to the following: What does the film illustrate about the possible connection between technology and interpersonal relationships? What did the film teach you about the bright side vs. dark side of technology? What examples do we find of healthy and/or unhealthy relationships? 1 to 2 paragraphs OR number responses

16 FOR CLASS NEXT WEEK (MONDAY/TUESDAY) Discussing technology; will debate Bring laptops and/or research on impact of technology on interpersonal communication

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