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Introduction to the Stage

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1 Introduction to the Stage
Ms. Roberts' Website

2 Overview The Stage is the area of a theatre where the actors perform
There are three types of stages you will see in theatre Proscenium Thrust In the Round, Arena

3 Raked Stages During the Renaissance, stages were raked or slanted upward The audience were seated or stood on a level space in front of the stage A raked stage provided the audience with a heightened illusion of depth and allowed the audience to see the action Upstage and Downstage originated from this stage

4 Proscenium Stage Resembles a picture frame
The audience sits on one side to watch the action The curtains often hide the scenery until the play begins This is the most common stage

5 Proscenium Stage

6 Proscenium Stage Areas & Terms

7 Thrust Stage A combination of Proscenium and arena
Audience sits on two or three sides of the acting area The stage is “thrust” into the audience Actors will typically enter and exit from the back wall or through the audience

8 Thrust Stage

9 Thrust Stage Areas & Terms

10 In the Round, Arena Stage
The audience sits all around the stage The actors enter and exit from the aisles or sometimes from tunnels under the audience Similar to a stadium or sports arena

11 In the Round, Arena Stage

12 In the Round, Arena Stage Areas & Terms

13 Blocking and Notations
Blocking is the coordination of actors’ movements onstage Stage Business is movement employing props, costumes, or makeup; used to strengthen the personality of the character Stage Directions are indications to the director and actors about various aspects ofa play, including information on characters, how a play should proceed, how a play should look, and the mood or effects of a play

14 Images Tableau(x) : frozen image
Level: the height of the actors on stage in relation to blocking Plane: the distance of the actors on stage in relation to blocking

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