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Next Generation Deep 2  Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages Jeremy Mould, Swinburne University Recent Progress in theoretical and observational cosmology.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Deep 2  Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages Jeremy Mould, Swinburne University Recent Progress in theoretical and observational cosmology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Deep 2  Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages Jeremy Mould, Swinburne University Recent Progress in theoretical and observational cosmology IHEP Beijing, Nov 7, 2011

2 A vital goal of astronomy today is to understand the evolution of galaxies

3 The earliest galaxies emit in the infrared where for maximum sensitivity telescopes should be based in Antarctica

4 The End of the Dark Ages: First Light and Reionization Until around 400 million years after the Big Bang, the Universe was a very dark place. There were no stars, and there were no galaxies. Scientists would like to unravel the story of exactly what happened after the Big Bang. The PILOT survey telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope will pierce this veil of mystery and reveal the story of the formation of the first stars and galaxies in the Universe.

5 Spectra and images of the first galaxies JWSTPILOT Survey Telescope

6 / Project Leader: John Storey Project Manager: Roger Haynes Telescope Scientist: Will Saunders The PILOT telescope is to be erected on a tower on the Antarctic plateau, as that is how and where the best images are obtained.

7 UKIDSS 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky, extending over both high and low Galactic latitudes, in JHK to K=18.3. three magnitudes deeper than 2MASS. UKIDSS = near-infrared SDSS Also a panoramic atlas of the Galactic plane. UKIDSS = five surveys two deep extra-Galactic elements, one covering 35 square degrees to K=21, and the other reaching K=23 over 0.77 square degrees.

8 The Current State of the Art VIKING - VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy Survey. PI Will Sutherland The VIKING survey will image the same 1500 square degrees of the sky in Z, Y, J, H, and K s to a limiting magnitude 1.4 mag deeper than the UKIDSS Large Area Survey. very accurate photometric redshifts, especially at z > 1, important step in weak lensing analysis and observation of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. Other science drivers include the hunt for high redshift quasars, galaxy clusters, and the study of galaxy stellar masses.

9 PILOT 2  survey Offner relay reflective cold stop design (diffraction limited) by Jon Lawrence On chip guiding up to 8K x 8K arrays => 16'x 16' @ 0.125"/pixel Assumed K background 1mJy/ ﬦ " i.e. 14.54 mag. 0.2 arcsec aperture background is K = 14.54 - 2.5log(  0.01) = 20.8 mag NICMOS sensitivity is H = 25, gives S/N = 0.5 in 900s with background adjusted for aperture. To reach S/N = 2 =>16 times longer, that is 4hr.

10 Jon Lawrence, M. Ashley, M. Burton & J. Storey: Design of DMT

11 Image Quality Tip-Tilt removed PSF from SPIE 4836 D Diffraction limited Best 25% South Pole arcsec The other two curves are MK and average SP


13 23 nJy is K = 26.2 mag PILOT survey NIRSpec 70 nJy 2  sr

14 The Camera for the PILOT Telescope Plan A Clone the GSAOI focal plane Type Rockwell HAWAII-2RG HgCdTe Array sizes 2048 x 2048 pixels each (2040 x 2040 active) Detector area4080 x 4080 pixels (~ 85" x 85") Physical Pixel size18 μm Pixel scale 0.02" (TBC) Spectral Response0.9 μm to 2.6 μm (data / plot) Gains ~ 2.8 e-/ADU (TBC) Dark current ~ 0.01 e-/s/pix (~12 e- in the maximum integration time of 20 minutes) Saturation~ 48,000 ADU (TBC) On-Detector Guide Windows (ODGW) One programmable ODGW per detector 6/11/11 5 electrons read noise

15 Cost of Infrared Camera $750,000 per 2048 2 $125,000 per ASIC (one for each chip) 4096 2 totals $3.5M (8.5 arcmin field) 2 x 4096 2 totals $7M (8.5 x 17 arcmin) Plus cost of dewar and filters Plus cost of labour

16 Plan B SOFRADIR SATURN SW HgCdTe SWIR ARRAY FEATURES Format: 1000x256 Pixel pitch: 30 µmx30 µm Material spectral response: 0.8µm – 2.5 µm FPA Operating Temperature: up to 200 K ROIC FEATURES Modes: snap shot operation, integrate while read mode, programmable integration time, anti blooming system Input stage: Capacitance TransImpedance Amplifier (CTIA) Charge handling capacity: 0.4 106 / 10.6 106 (for 100% well fill) Electrical dynamic range: > 2 V (75 dB) Readout noise: < 150 e- (for 0.4 Me- gain) &< 450 e- (for 1.6 Me- gain) Signal outputs: 4 or 8 (user selectable) 6/11/11

17 Science Goals see Michael Burton’s talk Although there are many science goals for a survey deeper than any previous one, e.g. the lowest mass stars Star formation regions in our galaxy See also ARENA and Dome F proposals one of the most exciting is finding galaxies at redshift > 10 from the H dropout method. These have no flux at 1.6  But are detected at 2.2  Redshift = 1.6/0.09 – 1 = 16.8 Spectra of these objects would be obtained with JWST

18 The Antarctic advantage Almost diffraction limited images Wide field Low 2  background This combination is only available from the Antarctic plateau high altitude balloons space More details and arXiv:1108.1992

19 The competition is space: WFIRST Exoplanets and dark energy

20 WFIRST (or Euclid) vs PILOT Advantages of WFIRST Top ranked in ASTRO 2010 Broader band possible, e.g. 1.6-3.6  No clouds Disadvantages of WFIRST Smaller aperture, 1.5 metre Lower resolution 3 year mission lifetime 2020 launch Order of magnitude higher cost 200 nJy limit vs 70 nJy with PILOT

21 Euclid see Jason Rhodes talk Euclid: Mapping the geometry of the dark Universe Theme: How did the Universe originate and what is it made of? Primary Goal: To understand the nature of dark energy and dark matter by accurate measurement of the accelerated expansion of the Universe through different independent methods. Targets: Galaxies and clusters of galaxies out to z~2, in a wide extragalactic survey covering 15 000 deg², plus a deep survey covering an area of 40 deg² Wavelength: Visible and near-infrared Telescope: 1.2 m Korsch Orbit: Second Sun-Earth Lagrange point, L2 Lifetime: 6 years Type: M-class mission

22 Euclid's cosmological probes Euclid will map the large-scale structure of the Universe over the entire extragalactic sky - or half of the full sky excluding the regions dominated by the stars in our Milky Way. It will measure galaxies out to redshifts of ~2, which corresponds to a look-back time of about 10 billion years, thus covering the period over which dark energy accelerated the expansion of the Universe. Euclid is optimised for two primary cosmological probes: Weak gravitational Lensing (WL): Weak lensing is a method to map the dark matter and measure dark energy by measuring the distortions of galaxy images by mass inhomogeneities along the line-of-sight. Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO): BAOs are wiggle patterns, imprinted in the clustering of galaxies, which provide a standard ruler to measure dark energy and the expansion in the Universe. Weak gravitational lensing requires extremely high image quality because possible image distortions by the optical system must be suppressed or calibrated-out to be able to measure the true distortions by gravity.

23 PILOT Survey logistics Implement 20’ field: 26 years/sr assuming 180 x 24 clear hours per year but that’s probably faster than WFIRST ARENA’s PLT design offers 40’, 6 years/sr If K background is 0.1mJy/sq” then 0.26 years/sr other wavelengths also become doable in a 5 year ‘mission’ ~100 Pb of data to cover 2  sr not a problem according to Moore’s Law data could be served from CAASTRO website Will not be obsolete until KDUST 8 is operational That will reach AB K = 29 mag

24 Stellar pops in the EOR


26 2 micron background

27 Denizens of the epoch of reionization 1  band dropouts at z = 1.1/0.09 -1 = 11 J band dropouts at z = 1.4/0.09 -1 = 14 Galaxies with 10 8 year old stellar pops at z = 6 Pair production SNe (massive stars) at M K = -23 Activity from progenitors of supermassive black holes Dark Stars, see Ilie et al astro-ph 1110.6202 Young globular clusters with 10 6 year free fall times and M/L approaching 10 -4 Rare bright objects require wide field survey, then JWST or GMT spectra.

28 The next steps Is this project compatible with KDUST 2.5 ? Finalize camera configuration Find LIEF partners Swinburne University, J. Mould UNSW, M. Burton Macquarie University, J. Lawrence Melbourne University, S. Wyithe ANU, P. McGregor CAASTRO and AAO ? Texas A & M University

29 ARC LIEF facts of life $9M is a very big proposal for ARC Funding spread over 2013,4,5 But the chips need purchasing in 2013 Most proposals are unfunded This proposal needs to be very strong Universities must contribute 25% cash CAASTRO may be able to contribute a postdoc

30 Construction and operations schedule (tentative) January 2013 LIEF funding Preliminary Design Review 2013 Texas A & M purchases Teledyne arrays ANU purchases dewar and filters 2014 Integrate and test focal plane at ANU January 2015 Integrate telescope and camera in Fremantle 2015-2019 operations (within the international antarctic science region) at Kunlun Station 2020 return of focal plane to USA

31 CAASTRO Project Criteria: Align with core CAASTRO Science Goals (must be All-sky and be in at least one Theme ? Dark, Dynamic or Evolving); All three themes. Genuinely all-sky project (2  sr) Involve strong collaboration across a number of CAASTRO nodes to achieve the research outcomes and/or involve international partners; Possible camera/telescope integration work in WA. CAASTRO could serve the data (100 Pb) from, physically probably from Pawsey. ·

32 Collaboration A collaboration in which KDUST 2.5 is built in China, fitted with an Australian camera and operated for 5 years at Kunlun Station would be extremely rewarding All scientific goals discussed so far at this meeting, cosmology, dark ages, planet finding are accessible.

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