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Unifying the Geometry of General Relativity with the Virtual Particle Nature of Quantum Electrodynamics John R. Laubenstein IWPD Research Center Naperville,

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Presentation on theme: "Unifying the Geometry of General Relativity with the Virtual Particle Nature of Quantum Electrodynamics John R. Laubenstein IWPD Research Center Naperville,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unifying the Geometry of General Relativity with the Virtual Particle Nature of Quantum Electrodynamics John R. Laubenstein IWPD Research Center Naperville, Illinois Tel: 630-428-9842 Email: American Physical Society 2007 March Meeting Denver, Colorado

2 We pose the question: What if the universe is not best described by points – but, rather as two-dimensional rings that have been expanding since the origin of space and time?

3 This results in no conceptual change to Spacetime, but rather simply a change in the way we describe Spacetime.

4 The basic concept of String Theory is projected beyond the Planck Scale to the Macro-World One spatial dimension is expressed through two-dimensional rings (or rods) and not as points Time is measured through the expansion of these rings (or rods).

5 This ring has been dubbed as the “ Energime ” The properties of the energime are manifested in one of three fundamental quantum values:

6 The Equivalence of Time and a Spatial Dimension through 2D “Rods” or “Rings” (a) (b) (c) (a) Light cone with dashed lines showing passage of time (b) Cylinder defined by two-dimensions of space and “time-lines” (c) Geometric conversion of the surface area of a cylinder to a sphere depicting a 2-dimensional space defined by points (blue) and a third dimension manifested as rings and representing both the evolution of a spatial dimension and the passage of time

7 Two-Dimensional Surface with Rods Defining both a Spatial Dimension and Time

8 Each Rod Defines a Space on the 2D Space Grid

9 Rotating the 2D Surface





14 Two-Dimensional Space Grid (2DSG) with rods extended outward from the planar surface defining both the 3 rd spatial dimension along with the passage of time

15 Energime Field Associated with Massive Object

16 Distortion of Flat Space due to Massive Object

17 Changing energime field Massive Object

18 Gravitational Force Determined by a change in scale (gauge) between the Background Energime Field (BEF) and a Local Energime Field (LEF).

19 This change in scale can be equivalently viewed as: The “warping” of space and spacetime The transfer (emission and absorption) of a quantum particle (energime)

20 The “warping” of space and spacetime LEF BEF Velocity

21 Quantitatively: From Infinity BEF = Unity (by definition) LEF BEF Velocity

22 Quantitatively: Between any Two Points

23 Quantitatively: The Velocity of an Object in a Gravitational Free Fall

24 The Velocity Equation is based on the Geometry of Space and Spacetime LEF BEF Velocity

25 The transfer (emission and absorption) of a quantum particle (energime) LEF BEF Energy and Momentum Space and Spacetime remain flat

26 Quantitative: The Addition of Energy (Mass) from a Gravitating Object BEF Energy = Unity LEF BEF Energy (mass) and Momentum

27 Quantitative: The LEF Momentum Due to a Gravitating Object LEF BEF Energy (mass) and Momentum BEF Momentum = 0

28 The Emission and Absorption of a Force- Transmitting Particle LEF BEF Energy (mass) and Momentum The energy gain and momentum of a free falling mass is determined exactly by the LEF Energy and LEF Momentum absorbed from the field resulting in the velocity of an object in flat space and spacetime

29 Geometry LEF BEF Velocity due to the absorption of Energy and Momentum from the Field Particle LEF BEF Velocity

30 Gravity and Electrostatic Force Gravity is due to the propagation of a real particle (energime) and is always attractive Electrostatic Force is propagated through a “virtual” particle that emits and absorbs energy and momentum creating both an attractive and repulsive force

31 Electrostatic Force The only other allowable force mitigating particle with an infinite reach has a mass of

32 K represents a proportionality constant for the given force field and is equal to: Gravitational ForceElectrostatic Force

33 Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Force is propagated through the exchange of virtual photons The path of these photons can be any one of an infinite number of paths

34 Cosmological Accomplishments of Energime Theory 14.2 Billion Years: predicted age of the universe Dark Energy: provides a physical explanation through the emission of free energimes that expand vacuum Accelerated Rate of Expansion: free energime emission predicts an acceleration rate in agreement with observation

35 Final Thought Is it possible that the universe is not best described by points – but, rather with ever expanding energime rings that change the way we describe Spacetime? John R. Laubenstein IWPD Research Center Naperville, Illinois Tel: 630-428-9842 Email: American Physical Society 2007 March Meeting Denver, Colorado

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