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Hank Revercomb, David C. Tobin, Robert O. Knuteson, Fred A. Best, Daniel D. LaPorte, Steven Dutcher, Scott D. Ellington, Mark W.Werner, Ralph G. Dedecker,

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Presentation on theme: "Hank Revercomb, David C. Tobin, Robert O. Knuteson, Fred A. Best, Daniel D. LaPorte, Steven Dutcher, Scott D. Ellington, Mark W.Werner, Ralph G. Dedecker,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hank Revercomb, David C. Tobin, Robert O. Knuteson, Fred A. Best, Daniel D. LaPorte, Steven Dutcher, Scott D. Ellington, Mark W.Werner, Ralph G. Dedecker, Ray K. Garcia, Nick N. Ciganovich, Paul van Delst, H.Benjamin Howell, Ken Vinson, and Denny Hackel University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center Scanning HIS for the Aura Validation Experiment (AVE 2004) AVE from WB57 Houston, Texas 1 November 2004

2 UW Scanning HIS: 1998-Present (HIS: High-resolution Interferometer Sounder, 1985-1998) Longwave Midwave Shortwave CO 2 CO N2ON2O H2OH2O H2OH2O CH 4 /N 2 O CO 2 O3O3 Characteristics Spectral Coverage: 3-17 microns Spectral Resolution: 0.5 cm -1 Resolving power: 1000-6000 Footprint Diam: 1.5 km @ 15 km Cross-Track Scan: Programmable including uplooking zenith view u Radiances for Radiative Transfer u Temp & Water Vapor Retrievals u Cloud Radiative Prop. u Surface Emissivity & T u Trace Gas Retrievals Applications:

3 Scanning HIS Interferometer: with Telescope, Collection optics, & Detectors/Cooler Laser metrology on bottom of optical bench

4 Scanning HIS/WB57 AVE, 26 October 2004 S-HIS scans cross- track downward & looks upward Left Wing Pod

5 Scanning HIS Integration 23-26 October 2004 Aerodynamic Buffeting Control Up-looking Port Power Conditioning Unit

6 S-HIS AVE Flights on WB57 26, 29, 31 October 2004

7 S-HIS Spectra, Nadir and Zenith AVE, 26 October 2004 Averaged over Aura leg before spiral descent

8 S-HIS Spectra, 15  m CO 2 AVE, 26 October 2004

9 S-HIS Spectra, 10.6  m O 3 AVE, 26 October 2004

10 S-HIS Spectra, 7.7  m CH 4 AVE, 26 October 2004 Apodized

11 S-HIS Spectra, 6.3  m H 2 O AVE, 26 October 2004 Apodized

12 S-HIS Spectra, SW/4.3  m CO 2 AVE, 26 October 2004 Zenith (good zero) none-zero agreement Apodized

13 S-HIS Spectra, 4.73  m O 3 AVE, 26 October 2004 CO 2 O3O3 Apodized

14 S-HIS Spectra, 4.67  m CO AVE, 26 October 2004 Apodized

15 S-HIS Image, Opaque Water Vapor 1517 cm -1 AVE, 26 October 2004 Aura Under-fly

16 S-HIS Brightness T Images 900 cm -1 Window- Surface/Clouds 690 cm -1 Temperature- High Altitudes 1517 cm -1 Water Vapor- Upper trop/lower strat 1600 cm -1 Water Vapor- Mid-troposphere dry wet

17 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 2525 cm -1 298 K

18 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 900 cm -1 294 K

19 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 830 cm -1 293 K

20 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 1170 cm -1 292 K

21 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 2012 cm -1 289 K

22 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 760 cm -1 282 K

23 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 1325 cm -1 279 K

24 S-HIS Images AVE, 26 October 2004 695 cm -1 208 K

25 S-HIS -2 Altitudes AVE, 29 October 2004 15 micron CO 2 Potential for spectral net flux & cooling rate, but requires repeated track and very stable conditions

26 S-HIS – TES Bands near 31 Oct overpass  5.5 x 16 km

27 S-HIS – Difference from 41 km earlier

28 S-HIS – Difference from 54 km later

29 Radiance Validation of AIRS with S-HIS

30 AIRS / SHIS Comparisons A detailed comparison should account for: instrumental noise and scene variations Different observation altitudes (AIRS is 705km, SHIS is ~20km on ER2, ~14km on Proteus) Different view angles (AIRS is near nadir, SHIS is ~±35deg from nadir) Different spatial footprints (AIRS is ~15km at nadir, SHIS is ~2km at nadir) Different spectral response (AIRS  = /1200, SHIS  =~0.5 cm -1 ) and sampling SHIS and AIRS SRFs AIRS SHIS

31 MODIS 12  m Band Tbs(K) & near-nadir AIRS FOVs

32 8 AIRS FOVs used in the following comparisons 1 Degree MODIS 12 micron Band & near-nadir AIRS FOVs

33 “comparison 0” 8 AIRS FOVs, 448 SHIS FOVs, PC filtering AIRS SHIS

34 “comparison 0” 8 AIRS FOVs, 448 SHIS FOVs, PC filtering S-HIS Spectrum Nyquist sampled without gaps

35 (AIRSobs-AIRScalc)- (SHISobs-SHIScalc) (K) “Comparison 2” (21 November 2002) Excluding channels strongly affected by atmosphere above ER2

36 Calibration and Validation for IR radiance observations are now concerned with tenths of K, not degrees K ! High Spectral Resolution is an important part of the reason (Goody & Haskins, J Climate,1998)

37 ADRIEX Proteus/S-HIS Flight Track 08 Sept 04, 0106-0112 UTC AIRS 1000 cm -1 Brightness T

38 Selected Regions: Blue = Ocean, north-clear (0020-0025 UTC) Green = Mountains-clear (0055-0100 UTC) Red =Ocean, south-some cirrus (0110-0120 UTC) AIRS 1000 cm -1 Brightness T- Blowup

39 AIRS/S-HIS Comparison Preliminary: Just averaging S-HIS over AIRS FOVs Ocean, North

40 AIRS/S-HIS Comparison Preliminary: Just averaging S-HIS over AIRS FOVs Mountains

41 AIRS/S-HIS Comparison Preliminary: Just averaging S-HIS over AIRS FOVs Ocean, south-cirrus

42 Summary Very happy with S-HIS performance on the WB57 Main Aura validation objectives: 1. TES Radiance, with AIRS comparison also 2. Tropospheric Ozone Other possible constraints on O 3, CH 4, and CO from altitude-stepped sampling, looking up and down

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