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CCC’s Key Updates CCC Bimonthly Meeting 03 June 2014 KSSA, Phnom Penh Presented by Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC Vision: Sustainable development.

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Presentation on theme: "CCC’s Key Updates CCC Bimonthly Meeting 03 June 2014 KSSA, Phnom Penh Presented by Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC Vision: Sustainable development."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCC’s Key Updates CCC Bimonthly Meeting 03 June 2014 KSSA, Phnom Penh Presented by Soeung Saroeun, Executive Director of CCC Vision: Sustainable development for Cambodia 1

2 Outline of Presentation

3 1.CCC’s by-laws ha been approved by CCC Excom – keeping the same logo; 2.CSO green paper drafted (key priorities, strategies, key roles of CSOs, etc) 3.Consolidation of key analysis of 7 draft laws has been drafted – restricting freedom of expression, association, and assembly, and violating national constitution and some human rights instruments. General Updates

4 Combination: Similar System from 42 countries Ethical Principles 1995- 2003 Survey results of 2003 Wider Consultations (provincial and national) Guidelines for Application of the Code and Voluntary Certification System Revision 1 and 2 Ethical Principles 1995 Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standards for NGOs in Cambodia (2005-2007) -9 Principles -6 Key Topics - 25 Standards Certification System 2007 NGO GPP Field Check Working Group Desk Review NGO Code Compliance Committee ( Final Approval and Reward) 1. Governance7 Standards 2. Relationship/Communication 4 Standards 3. Finance management 3 Standards 4. Accountability and Transparency 4 Standards 5. Quality Assurance1 Standard 6. Human Resource management 6 Standards New revision of GPP Code and VCS

5 1.CSOs’ key asks have been heard and reflected in SR report; but wanted good governance as stand alone Goal; 2.Inclusive partnership: Triangle partnership, and measurements (Government, private sector and CSOs); 3.Human rights based approach (social accountability framework), and open government partnership (OGP); 4.Sustainable resource mobilization, e.g establishment and implementation of Cambodia national trust fund; 5.Target: for most vulnerable including children, people with disabilities, those living with violence, minority, indigenous people, those affected by HIV/AIDS, girls and women. Beyond 2015 Development Agenda

6 CCC ‘s NGO online database

7 Members’ Engagement Participate and/or encourage their partners to participate in GPP; Update information in CCC online database; Feasibility study on development of CSO center (June-August); Consultations on CSO green paper and its roles (July –December); Survey on NGO’s salary and benefits (June – August); Consultations and advocacy campaigns on 7 draft laws; New IP3 Formulation Process (May – September 2014); Campaigns on Beyond 2015 agenda (ongoing); World Bank consultation (22June?).

8 Thanks You for Your Attention! 8

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