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Kidney stones kidney stones are common. Out of 20 people 1 will get it in there life. There are many types of kidney stones but I will only talk about.

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Presentation on theme: "Kidney stones kidney stones are common. Out of 20 people 1 will get it in there life. There are many types of kidney stones but I will only talk about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kidney stones kidney stones are common. Out of 20 people 1 will get it in there life. There are many types of kidney stones but I will only talk about Calcium stones and Cystine stones.They are the 2 most common.Kidney stones are more likely to happen to men.But Some women get them

2 Describe my topic Kidney stones are a solid mass of tiny crystals made of salt and,minerals. kidney stones almost aways happens to men 20-30 years old.Kidney stones don't come one at a time many come at one time. their are two types of kidney stones. Calcium stones are when calcium mixes with other things like oxalate. Cystine stones are formed in people that have cystnuria. Cystine stones runs in the family that have them.

3 Risk factors. When urine has to much substances kidney stones are common.Kidney stones happen when you don't drink enough water. one of the biggest risk of kidney stones is dehydration.Kidney stones may block urine flow and cause swelling of the kidneys.their are many others kinds of kidney stones.

4 Treatments/cures. Surgery is needed if kidney stone is too big or or growing.Drink 6-8 glasses to produce large amounts of urine to help kidney stones pass.there are no cures they keep coming back. They run in the families that have them.Some kidney stones can cause infections in the kidneys.Kidney stones can cause bowel diese.

5 Symptoms Some of the symptoms are you have it blood in the urine,foul smelling urine.Chills,fever,vomiting.pain in the back are some others.If the doctor asks do you all of those symptoms that means you have them.One other symptom is when the stone is growing.But just because you have one of them you don't have kidney stones.Some times you may have a different diese but not all the time.

6 Ending Paragraph The information that I have given you should help you better understand what Kidney stones and their risk factors and Treatments and Symptoms Sympto

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