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1-21-15 Please have the following on your desk. –Writing Folder –Color pens –Vocabulary Unit 6 and red pen to correct –Lined paper for Narrative Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "1-21-15 Please have the following on your desk. –Writing Folder –Color pens –Vocabulary Unit 6 and red pen to correct –Lined paper for Narrative Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-21-15 Please have the following on your desk. –Writing Folder –Color pens –Vocabulary Unit 6 and red pen to correct –Lined paper for Narrative Notes

2 Narrative Essay Notes

3 Tells a story. The author may write a narrative about: –An event –A person –A place –A thing

4 Mantra: Beginning Middle End

5 Essay Layout - 5 Paragraphs P1. Intro paragraph P2. Beginning of your story P3. Middle of your story P4. End of your story P5. Conclusion

6 Ratio of CD’s & CM’s Your reader needs to know lots of DETAILS about your story, so.... 2 or more CD’s to 1 CM

7 Concrete Details - CD What happened? Who did it happen to? Who was there? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What did something look like? What did someone look like? Who said what? (dialogue) What were you thinking?

8 Commentary - CM Emotions, feelings Why was that important? How did you feel on the inside? How did other people feel on the inside?

9 Details SHOW DON’T TELL!!!! The details include action verbs, creative adjectives, and character descriptions.

10 Agenda Read AR book Notecards checked tomorrow.

11 1-22-15 Please have out the following: –your Narrative Notes. We have a small amount of notes to finish from yesterday. –Note cards

12 The narrative essay components: Narration / Description / Dialogue

13 Point of view Pick a point of view and STICK WITH IT First person: I, Me, My, Our Third person: He, She, They

14 Dialogue Spoken words need to be put in quotations: I told my dad, “I’m afraid to go to the doctor’s.” “Stop playing on the freeway!” my mom yelled.

15 Conclusion for Personal Narrative (3 sentences) Possible Sentence Starters: I never realized... I discovered that... I have learned that... (talk about the lesson learned)

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