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The Platypus. Platypus = the word means flat foot.

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Presentation on theme: "The Platypus. Platypus = the word means flat foot."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Platypus

2 Platypus = the word means flat foot

3 Platypuses live in Australia. We live here. The platypus lives here.

4 It loves to sleep, eat, and swim!

5 They live around creeks, lakes, and rivers. When the platypus goes under water, it closes its eyes and flaps of skin go over its ears. They only use their front feet to swim.

6 They are about the size of a cat or small dog.

7 They live in a burrow right above water. This home keeps them safe from other animals.

8 It looks like a mix between a dog and a duck.

9 Like a DogLike a Duck fur four legs has a bill has webbed feet lays eggs can swim under water

10 And it has a tail like a beaver! platypus beaver

11 The mother lays 2 or 3 eggs in a burrow. They hatch after ten days. Then the mother takes care of them for four months.

12 It eats and eats and eats! It can eat for up to 12 hours a day. It stores extra fat in its tail. It has to swim to the bottom of the water to dig for food. It is an excellent hunter!

13 It likes: worms shrimp crayfish baby insects

14 Watch out, Platypus! These animals want to eat you! foxes crocodiles some birds some snakes even some wild cats and dogs!

15 But those animals need to watch out, too! The dads have a poison barb or spur on their back feet to protect themselves! (So they are like snakes, too!)‏

16 What do you think of the platypus?

17 The Platypus

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