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T-76.4115/5115 Software Development Project I/II Course Overview 9.9.2008 Jari Vanhanen Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja –tuotannon laboratorio Software Business.

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1 T-76.4115/5115 Software Development Project I/II Course Overview 9.9.2008 Jari Vanhanen Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja –tuotannon laboratorio Software Business and Engineering Institute

2 Contents  Introduction  motivation  educational goals  Project topics  origin  legal issues  selection  Support to the projects  personnel  software development process  mentoring  experience exchange sessions  hw/sw infrastructure  evaluation


4 Motivation - Software Development Scenario 1  Small software  Developed alone  As a passionate hobby  For the own needs of the developer  No major consequences of bugs  No schedule pressure  No limitations on effort usage  Software will be maintained by nobody or the developer himself

5 Motivation - Software Development Scenario 2  Large software  Developed by a team  Developers’ daily work  Used by many different users  Software is done for a paying customer  Every work hour costs money  Management wants to follow the project  Strict schedule and budget  Bugs may cause serious consequences  Maintained by others What needs attention in this scenario?

6 Motivation - Software Development Scenario 2  Large software (complexity, architectural design)  Developed by a team (communication, coordination, team spirit)  Developers’ daily work (motivation)  Used by many different users (understanding real needs)  Software is done for a paying customer (accountability)  Every work hour costs money (efficiency, prioritization)  Management wants to follow the project (visibility, risks)  Strict schedule and budget (predictability)  Bugs may cause serious consequences (quality, proof of quality)  Maintained by others (maintainability, documentation, training)

7 Course = Project Work  Groups of 7-9 students  Real customers with real topics  Duration about 5 months  23.9.2007 – 4.3.2008  Required effort 150h/person (6p)  ~10-15h/week

8 Project Stakeholders  Project group  students, who develop the software  Customer  1 or several persons from the customer organization  provides the topic and requirements for the system to be built  often can also help with technical issues  takes the responsibility of the system after the project  Mentor  course personnel  observes and helps with the working methods  ensures the fulfillment of the educational goals

9 Goals of the Different Stakeholders Customer getting software that solves their problems getting experiences of technologies and working methods learning the customer role in an IT- project Mentor ensuring the fullfillment of educational goals checking the compliance to the mandatory work practices supporting the group ensuring that the project succeeds as well as possible Project group learning about software engineering and related topics good grade from the course fame from producing great software Project

10 Roles in the Project Group  Software engineering experts  3 per group  T-76.5115/4115 students  responsibility of a SE area  project manager  QA manager  architect  Developers  4-6 per group  T-76.4115 students  participate in  programming  low level design  testing and other QA tasks  assistant to some SE expert

11 SE Expert Roles  Project manager  planning and coordinating the project  monitoring and controlling the project  motivating the team  “QA manager”  requirements engineering  customer relationship  planning and controlling QA  active participation to performing QA  Architect  architectural design  supervising the developers  active participation to development An expert takes responsibility, but everyone may participate in all kind of tasks. The group may tune the responsibilities of each role, and switch roles between members.

12 Prerequisites  T-76.5115 (Project II)  T-76.4115 (mandatory)  all SoberIT’s SE courses  T-76.4115 (Project I)  T-76.601 Introduction to Software Engineering (mandatory)  T-76.611 Software Development Methods  good programming skills Try to get experience of all SE areas to your group!

13 Educational Goals (1/3)  Getting hands-on experience of a real, whole software project  requirements engineering, design, programming, QA  project management  Learning to apply good SE practices and tools  try something new and analyze experiences  understand the limits of practices and tools  enlarge your SE toolkit  Learning state-of-the-art technologies  project topics often require using and studying the latest technologies

14 Educational Goals (2/3)  Learning various general academic skills  management skills  social skills  presentation skills  writing skills  networking  internationalization  business thinking  project work in general The selected role affects what you learn.

15 Educational Goals (3/3)  After this course you should  understand the challenges involved in commercial sw development  be able to select good practices and tools for your future projects  have learned many things applicable practically anywhere Use this opportunity to learn something new about software engineering! In “real” projects you are often too busy to do that …

16 Contents  Introduction  motivation  educational goals  Project topics  origin  legal issues  selection  Support to the projects  personnel  software development process  mentoring  experience exchange sessions  hw/sw infrastructure  evaluation

17 Project Topics  Collected from TKK and industry  Lots of alternatives  Customers have prepared topics in advance  Software development projects  secondary goals may include e.g. technology reviews  Project scope flexible

18 Project Topics – Legal Issues  Intellectual property rights (IPR)  open source, or  customer gets IPRs  Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)  some companies require this  Contracts prepared by TKK lawyers  TKK companies  TKK students  Public documentation  except code and technical specs  if the customer requires NDA she must review documents before publication  Participation fee for industrial customers  commitment  course costs

19 Registration and Forming of the Groups  Register to the course  DL We 10.9. 13:00 (Tomorrow!)  Teacher selects the SE experts immediately after the DL  SE experts form trios  register a trio by e-mail to the teacher immediately  after Fr 12.9. 13:00, teacher forms trios of the remaining SE experts  SE expert trios recruite developers  be quick!  send e-mail to the teacher immediately when you recruite someone  after Fr 19.9. 13:00 teacher assigns the remaining developers into groups You can try to form a trio today here in T1

20 Project Topics – Selection Process  Customers present themselves and the topics Tu 16.9. 17:00-19  no contacting before that  SE expert trios apply for topics  contact 2-4 customers  “sell” your group to the customer  short CV of the group  having good developers may help  Ensure the acceptability of the customer and the topic  her commitment to the project  her understanding of the domain and technologies  her understanding of the course context  provided infrastructure  expected skills from the group  Say “yes” quickly  get confirmation from the customer  say no to other customers immediately  inform the teacher  If all the customers say “no”  contact new customers If you are not sure, try another customer.

21 Project Topics – Selection Recommendations  What do you want to learn?  domain  technology  getting to know a certain customer’s organization  Too easy a topic?  boring  no ”bonus” points in the evaluation  Too demanding a topic?  unsatisfied customer  fulfilling customer’s goals may take too much focus away from other educational goals of the course

22 Project Topics – Proposals

23 Contents  Introduction  motivation  educational goals  Project topics  origin  legal issues  selection  Support to the projects  personnel  software development process  mentoring  experience exchange sessions  hw/sw infrastructure  evaluation

24 Personnel   email:   Other parties  several teachers from SoberIT  computer administrators from SoberIT  Accenture

25 Software Process – Framework  Process framework provided  iterative and incremental  phasing and schedule fixed  enforces certain good work practices and crucial documents  allows lots of freedom (and responsibility) for customization

26 Software Process – Special Challenges (1/2)  Project is done for an external customer  understanding the true (and changing) needs -> requirements engineering during the whole project -> managing customer’s expectations  Physical distribution  often no common workplace and time for project stakeholders -> special care for communication and project visibility  Temporal distribution  only one of several on-going ”projects” for all participants  long duration, but only 10-15h of effort a week -> you can’t keep everything in your head-> documentation overhead

27 Software Process – Special Challenges (2/2)  New team and organization  no existing development culture (process)  all members do not know each other -> process must be planned from scratch and communicated to everyone -> team spirit  Software will be maintained by other people  after the delivery the group is not responsible for the system -> involving the customer’s technical people early -> knowledge transfer via training and documentation -> high code quality

28 Software Process - Iterations

29 Software Process – Project Control Variables  Quality ”fixed”  high quality recommended  some alleviations to carefully selected quality aspects are allowed if that is what the customer really wants  Calendar time fixed  project schedule defined by the course  major control points such as iteration demos  Effort fixed  27h/credit/person  Scope flexible  adjusted depending on the groups’ skills and knowledge of the problem domain

30 Software Process – Details  Lecture on the software process framework on 23.9. 16-19  minor changes to current materials may be done before that  Every student in any role should read all process framework materials in the beginning of the project 

31 Mentoring (1/2)  Purpose  help the project succeed  ensure enough focus on the educational goals  Meetings with the mentor  in 3 mentor meetings  in 3 iteration demos  in 1-2 process reviews  in some work sessions (customer meetings, code review etc.)  invitation from the group  Other forms of participation  continuously observing the project  status reports, meeting memos, irc, …  answering project related questions by e-mail  evaluating the group in the end of iterations  points and comments

32 Mentoring (2/2)  Help the mentor help you!  keep him up-to-date  prepare for the mentor meetings  invite him to some work sessions  increases visibility to work practices  Every project will face problems  identify and solve them quickly  ask help when needed  Mentor’s rough effort allocation per group  ~1h for each meeting (*~9)  ~4h for reading, grading and feedback in the end of each iteration (*3)  ~3h/iteration (*3) for  observing the project  answering e-mails  preparing for mentor meeting  ~30h TOTAL

33 Experience Exchange Sessions (EES)  Discussion on problems and good practices related to a certain SE theme  project management, RE, QA, architecture  Participants  1-2 students per group, those who are responsible of the EES’s theme  teacher and some guest experts  Students should propose topics 24h before each session  practical problems and/or innovative solutions from your project  Teacher prepares an agenda  each topic is introduced shortly by one proposer of the topic before discussion  Sending 2 proposals and participating to EES gives 0,5p to the group  8 sessions scheduled  3 for project managers, 3 for QA managers, and 2 for architects

34 Evaluation – General  Both the results and working methods are evaluated  Several evaluators  customer  based on all available information  mentor ensures the objectivity of customers’ evaluation  mentor  based on all available information  mentor adjust his scale in evaluation meetings with other mentors  group members  may evaluate personal contribution of other group members

35 Evaluation – Course Grade  Points are given both during and after the project  in the end of each iteration  Scale from points to grades is published in the end of the course  Filling the course feedback form by the given DL is mandatory

36 Evaluation – Iterations (Customer)  Focus on iteration’s results  but working methods are considered, too Manage customer’s expectations in iteration planning

37 Evaluation – Iterations (Mentor)  Focus on work practices  Conformance to the mandatory practices  plan and usage  Use of other good work practices  Continuous process improvement  Visibility of use  show them to the mentor  avoid unnecessary documentation e.g. invite the mentor to some work sessions Scale  8 fulfills some requirements with distinction and at most a couple of minor complaints  7 meets requirements and at most some minor complaints  6 at most a couple of major or some minor complaints  4-5 some major or lots of minor complaints  2-3 several major complaints  0-1 virtually no results

38 Evaluation – Project’s Results  Customer  compares to the original/updated project goals  Mentor  compares to typical course projects  +/- a few points based on project’s difficulty manage customer’s expectations in the beginning and during the project

39 Evaluation – Personal Contribution  Each group member may evaluate each other's contribution  raises and deductions of +/-1 grade  the sum must be 0  Proposals can be sent privately to the mentor  however, open discussion within the group is recommended  Mentor may change personal grades by +/-1 based on proposals If the group gets enough points for grade 5, deductions are discarded.

40 Infrastructure  Hardware  several computer classes at TKK  Maarintalo has some group work rooms (  Software  Microsoft MSDN AA  licenses for students own computers, contact: msdn (at)  Magic Draw Personal Edition UML tool  licenses for students own computers  TKK wiki, CVS, subversion, … Customer must provide other necessary hardware/software

41 More Materials  Course Instructions   Projects from the previous years (1995-2007) 

42 Your Feedback  We continuously want to improve the course!  Inform us immediately, if  you see ambiguities in our instructions  you have any suggestions for improving the on-going course  Give feedback in the project final report  Fill the course feedback form after the course

43 Next Seven Days  Register immediately to the course  Form a group  SE Experts  form a trio (here today?)  recruit developers  Developers  try to get recruited into a SE expert trio  Read the topic proposals  choose some favorites  Come to the topic presentation lecture on Tu 16.9. 17:00  Introduce your group to some interesting customers

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