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Meet the Mentors Facilitator: Dr. D. Wright Panel: Elizabeth Barrington~Rose Hicks~Wahid Hamidy.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Mentors Facilitator: Dr. D. Wright Panel: Elizabeth Barrington~Rose Hicks~Wahid Hamidy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Mentors Facilitator: Dr. D. Wright Panel: Elizabeth Barrington~Rose Hicks~Wahid Hamidy

2 Mentoring…..a unique professional development opportunity Mentoring is "helping someone else learn something that he or she would have learned less well, more slowly, or not at all if left alone."

3 Mentoring….challenges on the front line Mentoring is an intentional, confidential process through which an experienced teacher or professional provides a newcomer with information, support, resources, guidance, feedback, and assistance, for the purpose of refining present skills, developing new ones, and enhancing problem solving and decision making, in a way that leaves its mark on knowledge and practice related to student learning.

4 SDCCD Online College Mentor Program Faculty mentor for each college  City College  Mesa College  Miramar College Provide support in the development and delivery of SDCCD Online courses

5 Online Mentors Facilitate Coach Guide and support Instruct Share & collaborate Are ‘power users’ of the WebCT system Work one-on-one with faculty

6 2005/2006 Online Mentors City College: Rose Hicks  Mesa College: Elizabeth Barrington  Miramar College: Wahid Hamidy 

7 Ask the Mentors…… What do they do? What has it been like this year? Would you do it again?

8 Meet the Mentors Facilitator: Dr. D. Wright

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