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Part 1.  Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) was a French colony since the late 1800’s  During WWII the Japanese occupied the territory  The Vietminh.

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1 Part 1

2  Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) was a French colony since the late 1800’s  During WWII the Japanese occupied the territory  The Vietminh were organized in 1941 to resist the Japanese, they were lead by Ho Chi Minh

3  The Vietminh: ◦ Relieved famine by taking supplies from the rich ◦ Ended High rents and interest rates on loans ◦ Redistributed the land They became very popular with the people When the Japanese surrendered, the Chinese forces occupied North Vietnam and the British forces occupied South Vietnam Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent country

4  The French were humiliated after the quick defeat in WWII, they wanted to regain their former glory as a super power by reclaiming their colonies  November 1946, they ordered Ho’s government in Hanoi to leave  Ho refused and France bombed Hanoi and Haiphong killing 6,000 thus starting the war of Liberation that would not end until 1974

5  The Vietminh fought a guerilla war  The Chinese supplied the Vietminh with weapons in 1950  The Americans supplied the French with money, weapons and advisors. By 1954 the US was pay 80% of the cost of France’s war

6  March-May 1954 the French are forced to surrender at the battle of Dien Bien Phu  July 1954 they signed an armistice, divided Vietnam at the 17 th parallel, gave Ho Chi Minh control of the North and promised free elections in the South (Laos & Cambodia become independent)  The US did not sign it…Eisenhower gives his “Dominos” schpeal saying if one country falls they all will. (Read Domino Interview)

7  Ho Chi Minh was seen as a puppet of the Soviets and Chinese  If Indochina fell to communism then Japan would be surrounded  Ho was popular and would win the elections…US pushes the South Vietnamese emperor and replaces him with Ngo Dinh Diem a nationalist and devout Catholic  The majority of Vietnamese were Buddhist

8  1954 US creates SEATO (Asian version of NATO) US pledges to defend Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Pakistan, and the Philippines and extended protection to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia  China renews attacks on Taiwan, US pledges continued support to Chiang Kai-shek

9  1955 Diem does not prepare for elections and they never happen (Ho would have won them anyway)  Diem was very unpopular: ◦ He discriminated against Buddhists ◦ Blocked demands for land reform ◦ Was seen as an American puppet ◦ Imposed a police state accusing opponents of being communists

10  1960 National Liberation Front (NLF or Vietcong) form in South Vietnam to demand a coalition government of North and South to unify Vietnam  When they were refused they turn to guerilla warfare against Diem  Vietcong attack government buildings, Buddhist monks burn themselves alive in protest (read handout)

11  Kennedy sends 16,000 advisors to help Diem along with military equipment  Cities could barely be controlled, the countryside was another issue  Local peasants were forced from their villages into “Fortified Villages” where they could be controlled by the ARVN (South Vietnamese Army)  Vietcong (NLF) were supplied by North Vietnam and continued attacks

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