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A Vision for our Future To build Healthy Partnerships with Churches, Pastoral Leaders and the wider ABC Family to fulfill Christ’s Mission in our world.

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Presentation on theme: "A Vision for our Future To build Healthy Partnerships with Churches, Pastoral Leaders and the wider ABC Family to fulfill Christ’s Mission in our world."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Vision for our Future To build Healthy Partnerships with Churches, Pastoral Leaders and the wider ABC Family to fulfill Christ’s Mission in our world. Our Scriptural Foundation: I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philppians 1:3-6

2 The Three Components of the Vision….. 1. To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships with Local Congregations 2. To Build Healthy/Vital Partnerships with Pastoral Leaders 3. To build a Healthy/Vital Partnerships with our wider ABC Family **All three of the components are dependent on each other…none can exist in a vacuum and the region can hold a strategic place in tying them all together.

3 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships with Local Congregations The Growing Vital Congregations Initiative…. Moving from Diagnostic to Prescriptive…. Developing a cycle to address the vital signs in a comprehensive manner with churches…

4 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships with Local Congregations Developing a strategy of Conflict Mediation Developing a pool of Search Committee consultants to aide our Area Ministers. Continue to enhance our Discipleship resource efforts for ministry to children, youth and adults.

5 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships Pastoral Leaders Partnerships with Pastors needs to occur in two integral areas “Seeking to build a culture of Excellence in Leadership, which in turn will foster the development of a new generation of leaders.” **Professionally**Personally

6 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships Pastoral Leaders Partnerships with Pastors in their professional development…. “Seeking to build a culture of Excellence in Leadership, which in turn will foster the development of a new generation of leaders.” **Strategic development of workshops and conferences on a variety of topics **The Nehemiah Network **A Pastoral Peer Resource Bank

7 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships Pastoral Leaders Partnerships with Pastors in caring for their personal development…. “Seeking to build a culture of Excellence in Leadership, which in turn will foster the development of a new generation of leaders.” **Development of devotional lives **Personal finance in the ministry **The Barnabas Network/Care of Pastors **Retirement Concerns

8 To build Healthy/Vital Partnerships with our wider ABCUSA Family Clergy Ethics Nehemiah Network Face To Face Striving to enhance existing partnerships with other Regions/Covenanting Partners and to explore new avenues of Partnership *Fanning the Flame *Online Youth Training *Partnering together to share resources as well as to join together for training and encouragement….

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