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Growing organic zucchinis, orchids and … skilled workers: LE JARDIN COLLECTIF, a community-based training and integration project.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing organic zucchinis, orchids and … skilled workers: LE JARDIN COLLECTIF, a community-based training and integration project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing organic zucchinis, orchids and … skilled workers: LE JARDIN COLLECTIF, a community-based training and integration project

2 Practices of social economy Collective projects with community expertise Integration of different logics Consider the person as a whole (not a problem)

3 Disadvantaged community 31 % under poverty line 22% single mother families 22 % income support recipients 17% less than 9th grade

4 Le jardin collectif: 1997 COMMUNITY ORGANIC GARDENING PROJECT: Less dependency on food banks Better eating habits Social interaction for excluded

5 Le jardin collectif: 2000- M-FOR program (Emploi-Québec) 7 month intensive training Men and women from 18 to 50 yrs.

6 Le jardin collectif training 50 % classroom/50% hands-on Adapted to market needs Certified by School Board 15K$ per participant

7 Le jardin collectif training In tune with initial objectives Full-time social psychologist 1000 kg. organic vegetables distributed

8 Future orientations Recreational area with market activities Combination of different logics: public sector support, market activities and volunteer participation

9 Le jardin: Main characteristics Community expertise: including local development and partnerships « Person as a whole »: an empowerment process Staff working conditions Recognized quality of training

10 Third sector W2W projects ADVANTAGES: Solidarity values Capacity to integrate different logics

11 Third sector W2W projects WEAKNESSES: Financial capacity Human ressource stability Lack of recognition

12 Implications for policy Recognition of practices Appropriate and stable financing Decentralized decision-making and joint-planning Future-oriented projects with quality training

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