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Optimising interactions between water and energy for the MDGs: small scale cases in Southern Africa Jean Boroto Source Strategic Focus (Pty) Ltd Pretoria,

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Presentation on theme: "Optimising interactions between water and energy for the MDGs: small scale cases in Southern Africa Jean Boroto Source Strategic Focus (Pty) Ltd Pretoria,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimising interactions between water and energy for the MDGs: small scale cases in Southern Africa Jean Boroto Source Strategic Focus (Pty) Ltd Pretoria, South Africa “””

2 Question  How can innovative technologies help balance the rising costs and scarcity of water and energy and thereby help achieving the MDGs?

3 Pumping water from the Limpopo river bed when surface flow has stopped

4 SADC IWRM demo projects: improve livelihoods!  Malawi: Dzimphutsi Project, Chikwawa District in the Shire River Valley, 10.5 ha and close to 100 households.  Mozambique: Ndongo, Guija District, Gaza Province, 250 ha, some 700 households.  Namibia: Omaruru Gardening Women Project, 10ha irrigation project involving 12 women.  This presentation focuses on the energy component of these projects

5 Omaruru Project, Namibia

6 Summary of energy sources ProjectSource of Energy Comment DzimphutsiGravityCheaper source! NdongoElectricityCommunity did not want diesel pumps OmaruruSolar energy (moved from diesel pump) Energy is the constraint for water

7 A few concluding thoughts  Interdependence between water and energy needs to be objectively acted on!  Conjunctive sources of energy could reduce vulnerability but sustainable sources need to be given priority, considering cost and environment (clean energy)!  Livehoods can only be improved through better water management if the energy source is guaranteed: for food production, for conservation, processing and packaging.  Infrastructure imperatives for sustainable development include: water, energy, transport and ICT and some are interdependent!

8 Acknowledgments  SADC Water Regional Programme funded by Danida  The three community projects: Ndzimputsi, Malawi Ndongo, Mozambique Omaruru, Namibia  Intended to serve as a case study/story for the WWC Africa Programme

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