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2 Authority  Specialty Crop Competitiveness Act of 2006  Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (the Farm Bill) Eligibility  The State Departments of Agriculture in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Purpose  To solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops

3 SPECIALTY CROPS Fruits & Vegetables Tree Nuts & Sod Grass Horticulture & Floriculture Processed Products  Wines & Jams Intensively Cultivated NON-SPECIALTY CROPS Meats Dairy Grains Non-Intensively Cultivated Commodities  Wild Flowers

4 Increased amount of funding to the States  Mandatory outlays in FY08 - $10 million; FY09 - $49 million; FY10 – FY12-each $55 million Increased number of eligible entities  Inclusion of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Additional specialty crops  Horticulture and Turf Grass Encouragement of States to facilitate…  Outreach Activities  Competitive Distribution of Funds

5 SPECIALTY CROP RESEARCH INITIATIVE Program Purpose  Research and extension grants for improving the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of specialty crop production in the United States. SPECIALTY CROP BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Program Purpose  To solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops.

6 The California Department of Food and Agriculture has partnered with University of California - Davis, Food Science and Technology to identify points during post-harvest handling of pistachios where Salmonella may be reduced, controlled or amplified.

7 The Nebraska Department of Agriculture has partnered with the Community CROPS to improve the capacity of socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers through the utilization of workshops, farm tours, farmer-to-farmer mentoring, and networking opportunities in the specialty crop industry.

8 The Colorado Department of Agriculture has partnered with Colorado State University to develop an online Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices (GAP/GHP) training program and implement numerous webinars for Colorado produce growers and handlers.

9 The Arizona Department of Agriculture has partnered with the Western Growers Foundation to provide for the establishment of school gardens, encourage students to develop gardening and life skills, and improve attitudes toward the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

10 The Texas Department of Agriculture has partnered with Texas A&M University to conduct market analysis that assesses consumer acceptance and the identification of potential markets for fresh and processed pomegranate in Texas.

11 Contact Your State Department of Agriculture To:  Meet State Deadlines  Understand State Eligibility Requirements  Understand Different Application Rules and Requirements  Work with State Agency Staff to Ensure that Proposed Project(s) meet State Specialty Crop Priorities State Points of

12 Presentation by: John Miklozek Grants Management Specialist 202-720-1403

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