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Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader? 1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic.

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2 Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader?

3 1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic 6 2nd Grade Topic 7 2nd Grade Topic 8 1st Grade Topic 9 1st Grade Topic 10 500,000 300,000 175,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000

4 5th Grade Topic 1 Question / What wonderful scientist is responsible for development of the motor?

5 5th Grade Topic 1 Answer / Michael Faraday Return

6 5th Grade Topic 2 Question / What scientist discovered that the flow of electricity can be detected by a compass?

7 5th Grade Topic 2 Answer / Hans Christian Oerstead Return

8 4th Grade Topic 3 Question Explain how this is a motor and how it works. Explain how this is a motor and how it works.

9 4th Grade Topic 3 Answer / Energy in a closed circuit travels to the alligator clips to the support wire which communicates to the stripped lead wire of the coil. It continues to flow into the coil making it an electromagnet which then attracts and repels to the permanent magnet. It flows back out the other lead wire, down the support…….. Return

10 4th Grade Topic 4 Question / Why is the placement of the / armature so crucial to a successful spinning motor? / Why is the placement of the / armature so crucial to a successful spinning motor?

11 4th Grade Topic 4 Answer / The armature must be placed so that the commutator can pick up electric pulses from the circuit. The support wire does not have any electricity flowing through it. Return

12 3rd Grade Topic 5 Question / Like charges of a magnet do what?

13 3rd Grade Topic 5 Answer / Repel Return

14 3rd Grade Topic 6 Question / Explain how to make an electromagnet?

15 3rd Grade Topic 6 Answer / Wrap a coil of wire around a steel bolt.

16 2nd Grade Topic 7 Question / How can you make a compass with magnets? Explain how it works.

17 2nd Grade Topic 7 Answer / Balance two magnets on a straw. Find the midpoint and insert a pin into the straw. Balance this on an inverted cup. It will face magnetic north due to the magnetic field of the Earth. Return

18 2nd Grade Topic 8 Question / What are three elements that are found in the inner-core of the Earth that also make up a permanent magnet?

19 2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer / Iron, cobalt and nickel Return

20 1st Grade Topic 9 Question / What is a tool that is used to find direction when no GPS is available?

21 1st Grade Topic 9 Answer / A compass. Return

22 1st Grade Topic 10 Question / What are the two forces that a magnet can do?

23 1st Grade Topic 10 Answer / Attract and Repel Return

24 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11

25 1,000,000 Question

26 1,000,000 Answer Return

27 Thanks for Playing!

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