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Group 4 Project Bella W, Reni O, Fabio T, Julia B, Dimitrios S, Sarah S, and Thibault L.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Project Bella W, Reni O, Fabio T, Julia B, Dimitrios S, Sarah S, and Thibault L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Project Bella W, Reni O, Fabio T, Julia B, Dimitrios S, Sarah S, and Thibault L

2 Biology

3 Locations

4 Process

5 Sample 1 Slide Sample: 1.1Petri Dish Sample 1 Stagnant water under bridge (8cm)

6 Sample 2 Slide Sample 2.1 2.2 Petri Dish Sample 2 LIght stream of water between the rocks (4cm)

7 Sample 3 Slide Samples: 3.1 3.2 3.3 Petri Dish Sample 3 Moderate stream under fallen tree (7cm)

8 Sample 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Petri Dish Sample 4 Moderate stream in the middle of the creek (23cm)

9 Sample 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Petri Dish Sample 6 Very light stream by rocks (2cm)

10 Chemistry

11 Dissolved Oxygen test ○ Diffused from surrounding air ○ Photosynthesis byproduct ○ Used to analyze the ability to support life ○ Usually used to assess productivity in the stream, river, lake Hypothesis Sufficient for most aquatic species ○ E.g: Salamanders and crawfish

12 Process 1)Submerge sample bottle 2)Add Manganous Sulfate Solution and Alkaline Potassium Iodine Azide 3)Shake and mix to form precipitate 4)Add Sulfuric Acid and gently rotate bottle until the solution has turned yellow 5)Measure out 20 mL of the Water Sample Solution 6)Use titration plunger on Sodium Thiosulphate until scale reaches 0 7)Add Starch Indicator Solution until the solution turns blue 8)Use Thiosulphate until fixed sample turns clear and record amount used (ppm)

13 Collected Data Sample LocationOxygen Dissolved (ppm) 16.8 28.5 38.1 48.2 57.8 67.9 Average7.8

14 pH Level per Location Sample LocationspH level 16.76 26.81 36.86 46.85 56.90 66.73 Average pH Level6.81

15 Conclusions ●Average = 7.8 ppm ●Within 7-8 range (sufficient for life) ●Explains animal presence in stream ● pH marginally more acidic, but still basic (6.81)

16 Evaluation ●Only one trial (lack of time) ●Did not wait for clumps in “fixed” solution ●First trial (closest to source of the stream) has lowest ppm

17 Physics


19 Procedure ●Began at rocks downstream ● 3.5g cork ●Set downstream ●Pre-approximated course measured with meter stick ●Pick up points 8-10 meters

20 Data Time (+/-.5s) Distance (+/-.2m)Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Averages (approx.) (+/-.5) 843353036 1662637467 26213212223206 36225120125123 4699111 107

21 Approximated Speed at Each Leg Distance (+/-.2m)Speed (cm/s) 822.2 +/-1.0 1611.9 +/- 0.5 264.6 +/- 0.1 368.1 +/- 0.2 469.3 +/- 0.3

22 Projected Data

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