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Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Planning Commission Work Session October 28, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Planning Commission Work Session October 28, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Planning Commission Work Session October 28, 2014

2 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon ● Provide overview of Bridge Vista code amendments process, issues ● Discuss first set of key issues and options ● Obtain comments and guidance on preferred options or approaches ● Review next steps Work Session Objectives

3 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon

4 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Bridge Vista Area - Land Use Objectives ● Continue to support water-dependent uses; allow for commercial and residential uses that support but don’t compete with the Downtown core. ● If development is to occur, promote new uses that are consistent with Astoria’s “working waterfront.” ● Encourage design of new or rehabilitated buildings that respect Astoria’s character. ● Encourage new development along the River to improve and celebrate the River Trail and provide visual and periodic physical access to the water.

5 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Bridge Vista Area - Land Use Objectives ● Improve physical connections to adjacent neighborhoods. ● Use setbacks, stepbacks and other measures to ensure an open feel and continued visual access to the river. ● Change zoning of area west of 2nd Street from Tourist Commercial to other commercial zone. ● Expand (Uniontown) design overlay for the historic district to accentuate the historic area (north of US 30) and create a more prominent gateway for the urban core.

6 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Bridge Vista Land Use Code Issues ● Comprehensive Plan policies ● Overwater development standards ● Physical access to the water ● On-land building height, set-backs and step-backs ● Permitted uses (on land and over water) ● Complementing downtown development ● Tourist Commercial zone update ● Design standards and guidelines ● Landscaping

7 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Bridge Vista Land Use Code Issues - Tonight ● Comprehensive Plan policies ● Overwater development standards ● Physical access to the water ● On-land building height, set-backs and step-backs

8 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Comprehensive Plan Policies ● Note importance of River vistas ● Emphasize uses that complement Downtown ● Incorporate references to Riverfront Vision Plan

9 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Possible Overwater Development Exception Areas

10 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Overwater Development Approach ● Height restrictions to protect key vistas – bridge and area near 2 nd Street ● Allow overwater development in most other areas ● Limit building widths; provide view corridors (prevent a wall of buildings)

11 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Building heights 1.Within exception areas: Top of bank 1.Outside exception areas: 35 feet

12 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Building width limitations ● Building size limitation: Maximum building width of 150 square feet ● Total width of all buildings: Maximum total width (all structures) 60% of contiguous parcel width ● View corridors between buildings: 40 feet

13 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Building width limitations

14 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon River Access Requirements – Similar to Civic Greenway ● Three options – required for new uses ● Access hours to be determined by parks, police ● Walkways, piers 10-14 feet wide, extending beyond structure to allow views up/down river

15 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Visual Simulations

16 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Visual Simulations

17 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Building Height, Setbacks and Stepbacks (land zones) ● Maximum Height: Base height of 35 feet; heights can be increased to 45 feet if additional setback or stepbacks above 24’ ● Setback:  Maintain 70’ view corridor on north/ south streets  10’ setback S. of trail; 20’ N. of trail ● Stepback: Required 10’ stepback above 24 feet

18 Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Assistance The City of Astoria, Oregon Next Steps ● Update code amendments based on Work Session guidance. ● Work on next set of draft code amendments:  Permitted uses [November]  Modification of C-2 (Tourist Commercial) zone [November]  Design guidelines and standards [December]  Landscaping [December] ● Provide draft materials in advance of November work session. ● Conduct work session in November ● Conduct work session on December

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