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1 Better Living Through Unity Presenter: Janet Bix Ohio Department of Transportation Knowledge & Library Connectivity MTKN Fifth Annual Meeting & Transportation.

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2 1 Better Living Through Unity Presenter: Janet Bix Ohio Department of Transportation Knowledge & Library Connectivity MTKN Fifth Annual Meeting & Transportation Library Connectivity Pooled Fund Study Consortium Thursday October 20, 2005

3 2 Should we network? I just don’t have the time to help organize and participate, I’m so busy putting out fires here. I just don’t have the time to help organize and participate, I’m so busy putting out fires here. Partnerships with others would likely limit my control over our materials. Partnerships with others would likely limit my control over our materials. We’re pretty self-contained; I very rarely need to use ILL. I don’t think I need to join a network. We’re pretty self-contained; I very rarely need to use ILL. I don’t think I need to join a network. I’m worried there could be unexpected expenses. I’m worried there could be unexpected expenses. What kind of commitments will be required? What kind of commitments will be required?

4 3 Why library networks We must run efficiently and effectively to protect our libraries and our jobs. We must run efficiently and effectively to protect our libraries and our jobs. Networks help us do that! Networks help us do that! –Run your library in a more cost-effective way –Expenditures can be leveraged to maximize joint resources –Networks can be local, regional or national –There are many ways to partner with others, with varying levels of commitment –Networks can provide support, even in unexpected areas

5 4 Bridging the Gap: Better Living Through Unity Overview of ODOT’s library Overview of ODOT’s library ODOT’s partnership with the State Library of Ohio ODOT’s partnership with the State Library of Ohio OhioLink OhioLink Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network (MTKN) Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network (MTKN) TL Cat/NTL Support TL Cat/NTL Support

6 5 ODOT’s Library We serve: We serve: –Central Office –12 Districts –88 County garages –120 Outposts –ODOT’s consultants and contractors –The citizens of Ohio

7 6 ODOT library’s Intranet homepage

8 7 ODOT Library’s Intranet Homepage

9 8 ODOT Library and State Library of Ohio (SLO) Partnership Electronic combined catalog available to ODOT employees on their desktop. Electronic combined catalog available to ODOT employees on their desktop. Daily delivery by SLO’s courier Daily delivery by SLO’s courier Interlibrary loan Interlibrary loan Online support by SLO staff Online support by SLO staff Training, support & networking from SLO Training, support & networking from SLO Federal depository documents access Federal depository documents access Cost effective Cost effective

10 9 ODOT/SLO Catalog

11 10 Learning Express Library 24/7 Online education for all Ohioans 24/7 Online education for all Ohioans ODOT employees have access at their desktops ODOT employees have access at their desktops Career building tools Career building tools Writing aides Writing aides Many kinds and levels of interactive tests including sample civil service tests Many kinds and levels of interactive tests including sample civil service tests Used by ODOT’s training office and our Highway Technician Academy Used by ODOT’s training office and our Highway Technician Academy

12 11 ODOT Library’s Homepage

13 12 ODOT-wide Promotion of Learning Express Library

14 13

15 14 Ohio eBook Project Digital audio and ebooks can be checked out by Ohio state employees Digital audio and ebooks can be checked out by Ohio state employees Books can be checked out 14 days Books can be checked out 14 days Books automatically return themselves Books automatically return themselves The State Library of Ohio has contracted with Overdrive, Inc, a provider of e-books The State Library of Ohio has contracted with Overdrive, Inc, a provider of e-books All libraries in Ohio can join with a minimal set-up fee, 1% of their selection budget to the digital book collection and a SIP license. All libraries in Ohio can join with a minimal set-up fee, 1% of their selection budget to the digital book collection and a SIP license.

16 15 Ohio eBook Project

17 16 Libraries Connect Ohio Library services for all Ohioans Library services for all Ohioans Know It Now, Homework Now, Read This Now Know It Now, Homework Now, Read This Now – a gateway to electronic resources from Ohio institutions – a gateway to electronic resources from Ohio institutions – information on how Ohio’s libraries and library organizations are working together – information on how Ohio’s libraries and library organizations are working together

18 17 Libraries Connect Ohio

19 18 Ohio Web Library

20 19 OhioLINK 100+ electronic databases 100+ electronic databases Cluster searching Cluster searching OhioLink catalog –Access to 85+ university & agency libraries & 2 public libraries –Statewide resource sharing Access to full-text journals Access to full-text journals –Electronic journal center, 6300 full-text journals –Academic search premier

21 20 OhioLINK Catalog

22 21 OhioLINK Databases

23 22 Our Favorite OhioLINK Databases Applied Science and Technology Abstracts Applied Science and Technology Abstracts Index and abstracts for articles in core scientific and technical journals Index and abstracts for articles in core scientific and technical journals Compendex Compendex Index and abstracts to engineering literature from international journals, conferences, and reports. Index and abstracts to engineering literature from international journals, conferences, and reports. Digital Media Center Digital Media Center Several databases of electronic images or videos; will eventually also includes sound, numeric data, and other types of electronic media. Several databases of electronic images or videos; will eventually also includes sound, numeric data, and other types of electronic media. Dissertation Abstracts Dissertation Abstracts Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe. Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe. Electronic theses and dissertations (OhioLINK) Electronic theses and dissertations (OhioLINK) Online theses and dissertations from Ohio graduate students, includes undergraduate honors theses. Online theses and dissertations from Ohio graduate students, includes undergraduate honors theses. GeoRef GeoRef Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature, geology and geosciences Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature, geology and geosciences netLibrary netLibrary Current electronic books (e-books) on many academic subjects. Current electronic books (e-books) on many academic subjects. Newspaper Source Newspaper Source Index and abstracts to Full text for regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires, and newspaper columns articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on geology and geosciences Index and abstracts to Full text for regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires, and newspaper columns articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on geology and geosciences Ohio Capitol Connection Ohio Capitol Connection Online documents relating to the Ohio legislature and state government. Online documents relating to the Ohio legislature and state government. Safari Safari Electronic books in computer science, information technology, and related fields. Electronic books in computer science, information technology, and related fields. Sanborn Digital Maps Sanborn Digital Maps Large-scale street plans of Ohio communities, produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance company from 1867-1970 Large-scale street plans of Ohio communities, produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance company from 1867-1970

24 23 OhioLINK Cluster Searching

25 24 Academic Search Premier through OhioLINK

26 25 OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center

27 26 OhioLink Results More information resources for ODOT staff statewide More information resources for ODOT staff statewide Districts & county garages have the same access as the central office Districts & county garages have the same access as the central office ODOT information is available to researchers statewide ODOT information is available to researchers statewide ODOT library is much more visible ODOT library is much more visible

28 27 Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network Aims to increase collaboration among transportation libraries and information centers to provide the most up-to-date and complete information to managers and engineers. Aims to increase collaboration among transportation libraries and information centers to provide the most up-to-date and complete information to managers and engineers. Greater support, resources and visibility for all libraries involved. Greater support, resources and visibility for all libraries involved.

29 28 Transportation Libraries Catalog Transportation Libraries Catalog Through a collaboration with NTL and the OCLC, we get TLCat, a specialized transportation catalog, providing incredible access. Through a collaboration with NTL and the OCLC, we get TLCat, a specialized transportation catalog, providing incredible access. Supported by funds from the National Transportation Library Supported by funds from the National Transportation Library Initiated by a consortium of state agency and university transportation libraries Initiated by a consortium of state agency and university transportation libraries

30 29 ODOT’s Intranet Homepage – TL Cat Link

31 30 TLCat Home Page

32 31 TLCat Search Results

33 32

34 33

35 34

36 35 OCLC is experimenting, & planning more enhancements “If we can develop a useful system for clustering circulation data, we may be able to develop a system similar to Amazon’s.” “If we can develop a useful system for clustering circulation data, we may be able to develop a system similar to Amazon’s.” Lynn Connaway, Office of Research Sept 15 th, 2005, Library Journal

37 36 MTKN & Other Regions Can encourage enhancements to records each transportation library is adding Can encourage enhancements to records each transportation library is adding VA TRC is adding the abstract for each R&D report VA TRC is adding the abstract for each R&D report As other enhancements are added we can continue upgrading our records As other enhancements are added we can continue upgrading our records If we can depend on other DOT Libraries to enter their own publications, then each of us won’t need to receive, index, abstract or catalog other state’s collections. If we can depend on other DOT Libraries to enter their own publications, then each of us won’t need to receive, index, abstract or catalog other state’s collections.

38 37 To quote Jerry Baldwin… The benefits of a regional network: The benefits of a regional network: –It’s easier to get together –The group is manageable –A national network can coordinate the regional components

39 38 ODOT Library Employees on Networks Patrons rely on us for access to material from MTKN Patrons rely on us for access to material from MTKN MTKN increases our visibility MTKN increases our visibility TLCat helps us help our patrons become self-reliant researchers TLCat helps us help our patrons become self-reliant researchers The State Library supports us; anytime we need anything, we call them The State Library supports us; anytime we need anything, we call them The State Library handles our catalog, training, government document needs & tricky search requests The State Library handles our catalog, training, government document needs & tricky search requests OhioLINK is fabulous! OhioLINK is fabulous! These tools are allowing us to build an authoritative reputation: We provide answers and information These tools are allowing us to build an authoritative reputation: We provide answers and information

40 39 Four Ways We’ve Found Unity ODOT’s partnership with the State Library of Ohio ODOT’s partnership with the State Library of Ohio OhioLink OhioLink Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network TLCat TLCat

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