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US HOME FRONT Pick up WWII a Nation coming together #29, Let finish WW1 Notes Learning Target: I can use visual information to gain information about how.

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Presentation on theme: "US HOME FRONT Pick up WWII a Nation coming together #29, Let finish WW1 Notes Learning Target: I can use visual information to gain information about how."— Presentation transcript:

1 US HOME FRONT Pick up WWII a Nation coming together #29, Let finish WW1 Notes Learning Target: I can use visual information to gain information about how WWII affected Americans.

2 Using the laptop go to the WWII Home Front PP and look at the rest of the photos to answer.  Navajo Code Talkers Navajo Code Talkers  How did the Navajo Code Talkers contribute to the war effort? How did African American contribute to the war effort ?

3 "Surrounded by a veteran crew of Marines who have spent 15 months in the Southwest and Central Pacific, this gun, named the 'Lena Horne' by its crew, points majestically skyward. The gun is manned by members of [the 51st] Defense Battalion, one of two such Negro units in the Corps." "Pfc. Luther Woodward..., a member of the Fourth Ammunition Company, admires the Bronze Star awarded to him for `his bravery, initiative and battle-cunning.'..."

4 A dispensary at a Naval ammunition depot in the Marianas. Prevention against a case of sore throat

5 Full Scale Wartime Production  After Pearl Harbor people rallied behind the war efforts with full mobilization of industry and armed forces  This included:  Rationing food, gas, luxury items  blackout drills  Meatless Tuesdays and victory gardens

6 Role of Women  200,000 women joined the military- WAC where they operated radios, repaired planes and vehicles and clerical duties  5 million women worked in factories devoted to wartime production although their pay was always less then men!

7 Complete the back of the worksheet using the following WWII posters and photos.

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27 African Americans  Nearly 1 million served in the military – segregated units  Initially not in combat, later as war dragged on African American men saw combat  Tuskegee Airmen – some of the most decorated flyers  At home: moved North to work in factories, some met with racial violence  Despite this they earned more than ever before

28 Japanese Americans  Thousands of Nisei, or Japanese Americans were US citizens  After the attack at Pearl Harbor the US believed that they were a threat to national security  Wartime Relocation Authority (WRA)  Executive Order 9066 established military zones for imprisonment (see Japanese Pwrtpt)

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