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Presentation on theme: "STEADY-STATE SYSTEM SIMULATION(2). REVIEW OF THE BASICS Initial Transient a.k.a. Warm-Up Period."— Presentation transcript:


2 REVIEW OF THE BASICS Initial Transient a.k.a. Warm-Up Period

3 PROCEDURE Y(i,j) is the ith sample of the jth replication Confidence interval on {Y(i,*)} Eyeball the diminution of drift (j* is where) Make 3j* the truncation point Restart the system for ONE LONG RUN {Y(i), i>3j*} is a set of autocorrelated, identically distributed data

4 DEAL WITH AUTOCORRELATION Batch Means Regenerative Method Jackknife Time Series

5 BEFORE WE BEGIN That’s a joint distribution function for the whole set of n samples! It captures all of the correlation in the X’s.


7 WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? The summation and the integral are interchanged The joint density function reduces to the marginal distribution for Xi (the correlations are “marginaled out”) The mean X-bar is unbiased, even when the data has correlation Unfortunately, when we deal with s 2, the squaring function prevents a similar thing, and a naive s 2 calculation results in a biased estimate –s 2 underestimates  2 when the autocorrelation is positive

8 BATCH MEANS {Y(i), 0<i<=n} is the data (3j* already removed) adjacent BATCHES of size b are formed and the batch average for each is calculated (regularity conditions) As the batches become large, all correlation between them disappears Treat the batch means as iid

9 REGENERATIVE METHOD Suppose we could define events {T1, T2,...} where we know that the system is memoryless (by system dynamics) –arrival to empty/idle system –all “clocks” are exponentially distributed –discrete event involving a geometric trial Samples taken between Ti’s are independent

10 BUSY PERIOD EXAMPLE What is the accumulation rate of queuing time for this system? Q1=8 Q2=1/3 Q3=3

11 SAMPLES At arrival to an empty queue... –The inter-arrival process is sampled –The service time of the entering customer is sampled –No other activities are happening, no pending events From the picture our sample is... –8/3, (1/3)/1, and 3/2 –which we can treat as iid –note this is not Q-bar/(inter-B)-bar

12 JACKKNIFE ESTIMATORS Q-bar/(inter-B)-bar is a biased, consistent estimator –Its expected value is not E[Q/(inter-B)] –As the sample gets large, the bias dimishes to 0 –The bias comes from the dependency of Qi with its accompanying inter-Bi We care because we want to relax the “memorylessness” property and use a ratio of mean estimates

13 JACKKNIFE   ’s are biased, consistent estimates the bias is small an iid confidence interval of {  g, g=1,2,..n}

14 TIME SERIES Also called the Autoregressive Approach Uses estimates of the coefficients of autocorrelation to create an iid sample with known relationship to  and  Most well-studied by the statistician community

15 MECHANICS OF AUTOREGRESSIVE APPROACH Assume Y’s autocorrelation vanishes after lag p Create the sample X’s using the b’s b’s chosen so that X’s have no autocorrelation

16 RESULT Let R i –hat be the sample autocorrelation of lag i Assume WLOG that b 0 =1 Then the b’s solve the system of p equations below:

17 IN THE LIMIT... Writing where the JUNK is a term vanishing as n gets large; where b is the sum of the b s ’s, SO...

18 so we get the variance we need for our estimate of 

19 RECIPE Sample Y’s from the system, Calculate Y-bar Feel how large p needs to be Estimate R’s, s=1, 2,..., p Solve equation to get b’s, sum them Create the sample of X’s and estimate  X with s X Create confidence interval for 

20 DEAL WITH AUTOCORRELATION Batch Means Regenerative Method Jackknife Time Series

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