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Manshi Patel, Michael Mulroy, Giancarlo Bonifazi.

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Presentation on theme: "Manshi Patel, Michael Mulroy, Giancarlo Bonifazi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manshi Patel, Michael Mulroy, Giancarlo Bonifazi

2  Designed for strengthening of UE, specifically pronation/supination  Can utilize therabands and dumbbells up to 100 lbs  Ergonomic, slip resistant handle  good coupling  $64.95 (plus shipping)

3  Static Equilibrium (Isometric contraction)  Weight of body segment negligible  Weight of Pronator negligible  All forces acting in vertical plane

4  Length of Pronator device = 0.34m  External Load can change depending on DB weight used  Utilized 1, 3, 5 lb weights throughout  Measured angles at 20, 40, 60, 80 degrees

5  Pronator - 1 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.0054.4104.4  200.110.0054.419797.1  400.190.0054.41167.6167.6  600.280.0054.41247247  800.290.0054.41255.8255.8   Pronator - 3 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.00513.33013.3  200.110.00513.33293.3293.6  400.190.00513.33506.5506.7  600.280.00513.33746.5746.6  800.290.00513.33773.1773.3   Pronator - 5 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.00522.26022.3  200.110.00522.26489.7490.2  400.190.00522.26845.9846.2  600.280.00522.261246.61246.8  800.290.00522.261291.11291.3


7  Supinator - 1 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.014.4104.4   400.190.014.4183.883.9  600.280.014.41123.5123.6  800.290.014.41127.9128   Supinator - 3 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.0113.33013.3  200.110.0113.33146.6147.2  400.190.0113.33253.3253.6  600.280.0113.33373.2373.5  800.290.0113.33386.6386.8   Supinator - 5 lb wt  Angle (°)EMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  000.0122.26022.3  200.110.0122.26244.9245.9  400.190.0122.26422.9423.5  600.280.0122.26623.3623.7  800.290.0122.26645.5645.9

8  0.28 kg hammer  Length of 0.29m  Commonly used for pronation/supination in clinical rehab

9  Hammer - 90° of Pronation/Supination  MuscleEMA (m)IMA (m)LW (N)MF (N)JRF  Pronator0.290.0052.75159.5159.5  Supinator0.290.012.7579.879.8

10  Surface electrodes placed on Pronator Teres  Normal sampling rate (1000 Hz)  Maximal Voluntary Contraction  0.40 mV



13  Surface electrodes placed on biceps brachii (supinator – difficult)  MVC – 0.83 mV



16 The Hammer Pronation (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.030.48% Supination (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.020.832%  The hammer was then tested in both supination and pronation  Tested in 80°, providing a maximal moment arm  Compared to each muscle’s MVC

17 Dumbbells (5 lb) Pronation (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.030.48% Supinator (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.010.831% Pronator (5 lb) Pronation (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.350.488% Supination (eccentric) AngleEMG (mv)MVC%MVC 800.490.8359%  A 5lb dumbbell was tested in both supination and pronation  Tested in 80°, providing a maximal moment arm  Compared to each muscle’s MVC  Very little EMG activity compared to the pronator

18  The Pronator can do more then just pronation and supination!  It can be used to strengthen radial/ulnar deviation, elbow flexion/extension, and shoulder internal/external rotation

19  Isometric elbow flexion  Not many motor units recruited EMG (mV)%MVC MVC 0.89 5lb 0.056 5lb+P 0.089

20  More muscle activity with The Pronator EMG (mV)%MVC MVC 0.43 5lb 0.03 7 5lb+P0.14 33

21  Working closer to MVC EMG (mV)%MVC MVC 0.36 5lb 0.256 5lb+P0.24 67

22  Did testing at 90-90  Got more muscle activity with The Pronator EMG (mV)%MVC MVC 0.47 5lb 0.0511 5lb+P0.1736

23  Better at activating muscles for certain exercises  Does not always increase EMA  Can build wrist/grip strength while training other muscles (however – requires adequate grip strength and wrist stabilization strength, esp at higher loads)  Limitations are your creativity  Very versatile – can change resistance to correspond to patient’s rehab progress

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