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Reviewing the Eight-Step SWIS Process Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project University of South Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing the Eight-Step SWIS Process Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project University of South Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing the Eight-Step SWIS Process Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project University of South Florida

2 Step 1: Conduct SWIS II Readiness Tasks a. Complete the SWIS II readiness checklist with team and administrator. b. Use SWIS II Compatibility Checklist to determine if school’s office discipline referral procedure is compatible with SWIS II data entry and reporting.

3 Step 2: Submit License Agreement and School Information Form a. Complete License Agreement. b. Complete School Information Form. c. Determine Swift at SWIS II Training date with 3 school users. d. Submit License Agreement and School Information Form to SWIS II Project Director (Horner, Sugai, Sprague).

4 Step 3: Setting Up for Swift at SWIS III Training a. Prepare a SWIS III Users Manual for each SWIS III user. b. Prepare a password card for each SWIS III user. c. Reserve Computers for Swift at SWIS III Training. d. Set up computers to be used at school and training.

5 Step 4: Conduct Swift at SWIS III Training a. Preview SWIS III Users Manual, License Agreement, and confidentiality. b. Preview Demo site. c. Provide data entry practice in facilitators account. d. Ask basic information questions for basic report generation. e. Ask more specific questions requiring customized reporting. f. Complete SWIS III Schedule for data entry, accuracy checks, and reporting. g. Schedule a follow up SWIS III meeting a month following the Swift training. Give SWIS III assignments to each SWIS III user to complete before follow up meeting.

6 Step 5: Follow Up a. Conduct 1-week follow-up to check implementation and use. b. Conduct accuracy checks three times per year. c. Support team to create reports and use the information for decision- making (Attend at least one PBS Team meeting).

7 Step 6: Maintenance a. Follow up with schools by checking in via phone/email/checking their SWIS III account and meeting with the three school users a month after the Swift at SWIS III Training. b. Attend team/staff meetings and offer coaching for using the data for decision-making. c. Log on to and preview each school account monthly to check status on data entry, look for patterns, trends, peaks, and errors. d. Repeat steps 1-6 with new schools.

8 Step 7: Annual SWIS III Facilitator Boosters a. Update SWIS III Facilitator Action Plan annually for each school. b. Review SWIS III website at least three times per year. c. Review each school account monthly.

9 Step 8: SWIS III License Renewal Process a. Review status of SWIS III readiness tasks. b. Submit License Renewal. c. Complete Swift at SWIS III Training with new SWIS III users. d. Complete Swift at SWIS III booster training as needed. e. Provide follow up and support for all schools.

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