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Presentation on theme: "FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Group : Rupee."— Presentation transcript:


2 Current status of Fruit and Vegetable sector in Sri Lanka.
There is a growing demand for fresh fruits and vegetables in Sri Lanka The Extent cultivated tend to vary due to various reasons Exports increased by 29.17% of fruits and 4% of vegetables in 2006 Per Capita Consumption remains 36 Kg/Yr for Vegetable and Fresh fruits 9Kg/Yr The additional demand is for Exports and processing Source: Dept of Censes & Statistics,’Agstat’ 2007, DOA

3 Extent Production and Avg Yield of Vegetable (Up Country Vegetable)
Extent (Ha) Production Mt)

4 Extent Production and Avg Yield of Vegetable (Low Country Vegetable
Extent (Ha) Production Mt)

5 Extent and Production of Selected Fruit Varieties in year 2005 & 2006
Extent (Ha) Production (Mt)

6 Factors Affecting to Purchasing Patterns
Age Gender Education Occupation Life Style Income Levels Marital Status Personal Characteristics Psychological Characteristics

7 Changing Consumer Profile
Increase in the purchasing power Family structure change (from joint family to nuclear urban family) Smaller family size Busy life styles Health consciousness Individualism Seeking Quality products

8 Opportunities for Growth
Desire for quality time A constraint on time Demand for convenience products and services Eg: Ready-to-serve beverages Dehydrated and frozen fruits and vegetable products, Curried vegetables

9 Opportunities for Growth cont’d
Affordable indulgence Price cautious people who always make decisions based on price is shifted Customers are now ready to spend lavishly

10 Opportunities for Growth cont’d
Increased awareness about personal health Most of the people want to look fit At the same time don’t want to give up the fast and junk food habits Can see this as an opportunity Eg: Ready to cook vegetables Fresh fruit juices

11 Barriers for the Development

12 Barriers for the Development cont’d
Managerial No production manipulation policy for SL fruit and vegetable sector caused leaving farmers to grow any extent they can causing greater price drop at harvesting periods

13 Constraints for the Development cont’d…..
Institutional No proper extension channel to take new research findings to farmers Lack of coordination between different institutions related to frt and veg sector such as DOA, HORDI, Ministry of Agriculture and provincial ministries, National research stations.

14 Constraints for the Development cont’d…..
Technical Lack of mechanization of fruit and vegetable sector Inconsistent supply of hybrid varieties causing difficulties to adopt continuous production programmes.

15 Constraints for the Development cont’d…..
Policy barriers No national input scheme for fruit and vegetable sector such as fertilizer incentive, seed production and planting material supply programme etc. No import export policy. Hence, any body can import or export any thing. No cultivation policy to determine the extents of different varieties

16 Thank You.

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