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SOL: VUS.7a,b,c. Economic Impacts  The South lay decimated after the war.  Many farms, RR’s, cities are ruined.  The North saw an economic boom. 

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Presentation on theme: "SOL: VUS.7a,b,c. Economic Impacts  The South lay decimated after the war.  Many farms, RR’s, cities are ruined.  The North saw an economic boom. "— Presentation transcript:

1 SOL: VUS.7a,b,c

2 Economic Impacts  The South lay decimated after the war.  Many farms, RR’s, cities are ruined.  The North saw an economic boom.  Industry was strong and growing from producing war-time supplies.

3 Results of Emancipation of Slaves  Many ex-slaves moved north  Church became a focus of black communities (Baptists)  Education, self- improvement, school- houses, and teachers  Those that remained in the South tried to get their own land to farm on.  When they couldn’t find land they resorted to sharecropping and tenant farming.

4 Migrating South  A group of people known as “Carpet Baggers” begin moving to the South.  They moved for: Claim land Teachers to educate ex-slaves Help rebuild the South  Hated by southerners

5 Freedmen’s Bureau  Organized by President Lincoln in March of 1865  Provided food, clothing, medical care, and education  Educated slaves and helped them find work.  Was most effective in education

6 Black Codes  First passed in Miss. 1865  Objective was to maintain the race relations between Blacks and Whites. (Whites as superior)  Forbade all blacks from serving on a jury  Some states wouldn’t allow blacks to rent or lease land but would pass laws against “idleness” and were punished.

7 Ku Klux Klan  Former Confederate soldiers  Bitter, angry, southerners  Founded in Tennessee in 1866  Flogged, mutilated, murdered blacks.  Intimidated blacks at the voting poles, attacked the carpet baggers from the north.

8 Civil Rights Bill of 1866  With Republicans (anti-slavery) in majority in congress they pass the Civil Rights bill in response to the Black Codes.  Grants full citizenship rights for blacks.  Afraid that future Democrats in congress would overturn it they passed the 14 th amendment making it constitutional law.

9 Radical Republicans Take Over Reconstruction: 1867  Radical Republicans wanted to punish the south after the Civil War.  Reconstruction Act 1867 South was divided into 5 military districts Each district commanded by a Union General Sent Union soldiers to the South to ensure that Blacks were being registered to vote. They were also to protect ex-slaves from violence from groups such as the KKK.

10 Military Reconstruction

11 Radical Republicans vs. President Johnson  The Radical Republicans hated President Johnson who repeatedly vetoed any legislation they attempted to pass.  To demonstrate their check over the President they overrode many of the vetoes by the President.  The Tenure of Office Act was passed to limit the power of the President.  Congress brought impeachment charges against President Johnson for violating this act.

12 Migrating West  The completion of the Transcontinental RR influenced continued westward migrations and immigration.

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