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Jasmine Anderson. Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Grant Robert E Lee Abraham Lincoln William Carney Philip Bazaar.

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Presentation on theme: "Jasmine Anderson. Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Grant Robert E Lee Abraham Lincoln William Carney Philip Bazaar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jasmine Anderson

2 Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Grant Robert E Lee Abraham Lincoln William Carney Philip Bazaar

3 June 3, 1808 – December 6, 1889 Jefferson served as highly respected roles in my military. He was a confederate and even served as President of the Confederate States of America and Senator to the state of Mississippi.

4 April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885 Name: Hiram Ulysses Grant Union Army Led Radical Republicans, was a president, and colonial of union army.

5 January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870 Name: “Light Horse Harry” Served for Confederate Army Served as officer, combat engineer, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, ect.

6 February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865 While serving as president he helped out our country significantly! Union

7 February 29, 1840 – December 8, 1908 African American soldier in the Civil War. Honored for his actions during Battle of Fort Wagner Runaway Slave

8 Seaman Philip Bazaar was a Navy seaman Immigrant who joined Union Army

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