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Customizing ArcReader to support GPS Kelly Johnston Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Customizing ArcReader to support GPS Kelly Johnston Indiana Department of Environmental Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customizing ArcReader to support GPS Kelly Johnston Indiana Department of Environmental Management

2 the task… Give mobile users without an ArcGIS license access to a location-enabled GIS viewer. …mobile users… Field inspectors /Law enforcement / Public Safety laptop computers / limited network connections …without an ArcGIS license… casual users / can’t justify $ for GIS software …location-enabled… live input from a GPS device update a map display to the current location. …GIS viewer… no requirement to update or edit data

3 the task… Give mobile users without an ArcGIS license access to a location-enabled GIS viewer. …mobile users… Field inspectors Law enforcement / Public Safety …without an ArcGIS license… casual users / can’t justify $ for GIS software …location-enabled… live input from a GPS device update a map display to the current location. …GIS viewer… no requirement to update or edit data

4 $$$ No Personal Geodatabases ESRI Desktop Options

5 Adobe Model

6 ArcMap. PMF Publisher Extension ArcReader (free) Adobe ModelESRI Model

7 ArcGIS Desktop Functionality Matrix

8 my question… “Seems GPS is not something ArcReader explicitly supports, but I'm wondering…is it possible?”

9 the first answer… “As far as your question goes - ArcReader, unfortunately, does not offer GPS capability. You would have to deploy either an ArcPad solution or an ArcView solution to get the GPS option. Let me know if that helps you out.”

10 my question… “Seems GPS is not something ArcReader explicitly supports, but I'm wondering…is it possible?” the first answer… “As far as your question goes - ArcReader, unfortunately, does not offer GPS capability. You would have to deploy either an ArcPad solution or an ArcView solution to get the GPS option. Let me know if that helps you out.” the second answer… “Yes, with a bit of programming and some duct tape…”

11 “Yes, with a bit of programming and some duct tape...” +

12 ESRI Publisher Library Reference The ArcReader application cannot be customized and extended in the same way as other ArcGIS Desktop products. Instead, developers can use the ArcReaderControl to build and extend Windows applications with custom ArcReader functionality. ArcReader – how can it be customized? for example…

13 ArcMap and ArcReader User Interfaces

14 customizing ArcMap – build upon existing user interface


16 customizing ArcReader – start from scratch

17 customizing ArcReader – add ArcReaderControl

18 ArcReader – Publisher Object Model

19 customizing ArcReader – add menus, buttons… ESRI ArcReader Control

20 customizing ArcReader – write code to interpret GPS input sentences…

21 GPS

22 GPS Receiver…

23 NMEA Standard for GPS

24 26 NMEA sentences transmitted by GPS unit $GPAAM$GPAAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarm $GPALM$GPALM - GPS Almanac Data (Can also be received by GPS unit) $GPAPB$GPAPB - Autopilot format "B" $GPBOD$GPBOD - Bearing, origin to destination $GPBWC$GPBWC - Bearing and distance to waypoint, great circle $GPGGA$GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data $GPGLL$GPGLL - Geographic position, latitude / longitude $GPGRS$GPGRS - GPS Range Residuals $GPGSA$GPGSA - GPS DOP and active satellites $GPGST$GPGST - GPS Pseudorange Noise Statistics $GPGSV$GPGSV - GPS Satellites in view $GPHDT$GPHDT - Heading, True $GPMSK$GPMSK - Control for a Beacon Receiver $GPMSS$GPMSS - Beacon Receiver Status $GPR00$GPR00 - List of waypoints in currently active route $GPRMA$GPRMA - Recommended minimum specific Loran-C data $GPRMB$GPRMB - Recommended minimum navigation info $GPRMC$GPRMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data $GPRTE$GPRTE - Routes $GPTRF$GPTRF - Transit Fix Data $GPSTN$GPSTN - Multiple Data ID $GPVBW$GPVBW - Dual Ground / Water Speed $GPVTG$GPVTG - Track made good and ground speed $GPWPL$GPWPL - Waypoint location $GPXTE$GPXTE - Cross-track error, Measured $GPZDA$GPZDA - UTC Date / Time and Local Time Zone Offset

25 GPS data in NMEA sentence format

26 Interpreting GPRMC sentence $GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191105,020.3,E*68 225446 Time of fix 22:54:46 UTC A Navigation receiver warning A = Valid position, V = Warning 4916.45,N Latitude 49 deg. 16.45 min. North 12311.12,W Longitude 123 deg. 11.12 min. West 000.5 Speed over ground, Knots 054.7 Course Made Good, degrees true 191105 UTC Date of fix, 19 November 2005 020.3,E Magnetic variation, 20.3 deg. East *68 mandatory checksum

27 GPS Position

28 GPS Graphics

29 Key Program Logic Get GPS coordinate location Update map window centered at new coordinates Refresh Map Display Draw Location Indicator Repeat

30 Let’s Go For A Drive!











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