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CVE 4070 Construction Methods & Engineering Preconstruction Operations Resume Information Prof. Ralph V. Locurcio, PE.

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Presentation on theme: "CVE 4070 Construction Methods & Engineering Preconstruction Operations Resume Information Prof. Ralph V. Locurcio, PE."— Presentation transcript:

1 CVE 4070 Construction Methods & Engineering Preconstruction Operations Resume Information Prof. Ralph V. Locurcio, PE

2 Looking ahead 8/211 Introduction, course requirements; Pyramid Handout 8/232Project Delivery System - overview 8/283Stakeholders & Construction Organizations 8/304Contract Types & Construction Planning 9/45Construction Contract Documents 9/66Preconstruction & Bidding Processes; Write Resume 9/117Shop Drawings & Inspection Processes Resume due 9/138Project Organization & Responsibilities Resume due 9/189Tour Construction Project Site; Construction Handout Construction Report due 9/2010Disaster Recovery Construction Construction Report due 9/2511Test #1 & Critique Note: all PPT are on

3 Change order #1

4 Habitat for Humanity  Still checking… will have a final answer by Thursday…

5 Project Delivery Process… We are here

6 Preconstruction Activities…  Advertise & Award the contract  Constructability analysis  Advertising & Award timetable  Bonds & Insurance  Bid opening & evaluation  Develop Quality Control Program  Responsibilities for QA & QC  Development of Testing Manual  Establish the Field Office  Conduct Preconstruction Conference  Conduct Partnering Conference

7 Preconstruction Activities…  The 5-Step Process revisited…

8 Constructability Analysis…  Goal is to remove obstacles & issues Construction personnel review design documents and suggest improvements Works best with Design/Build were both designer & builder work for same firm Best to involve builders at beginning of design process Integrated participation is optimal Post design review less effective

9 Advertise & Award Phase…  Check for errors & omissions  Key is equity for all bidders  Prepare adequate award schedule  Ensure adequate competition

10 Typical award schedule…  Public agency - est. days ( 344 ): Obtain bid opening dates from owner (1) Print specs (3) Duplicate plans (5) Prepare notice inviting bids (7) Plans & specs avail for pick-up (9) 1 st Advertisement appears (20) 2d Advertisement appears (27) Pre-bid meeting (31) Open bids (37) Evaluation of bids (44) Recommendation of award to city council (45) Award by city council (50) Execute contract agreement (65)

11 Issuance of Bid Documents…  Prepare adequate bid sets  Make “reproducible” set of Mylar drawings  Plan bidding process carefully  May issue pre-bid notice  May include pre-bid conference to clarify owner’s intent  Issue amendments to correct errors  Avoid “irregularities”  Documents are “close hold” to ensure competition  Issue bid documents  All sets must be identical  Keep accurate log of documents issued  Addenda must be mailed to all bidding firms  Answers to questions to all bidders  Bid protest  Process stopped pending review  May be cause for rebid  Financial problems result

12 Prequalification of Bidders…  Issue Request for Qualifications  Scope or intent not known  Issue general statement of requirements  Prep for future contract(s)  Qualifications reviewed  Evaluate contractor’s technical “capability”  Check past performance  May include management, financial & staffing plan  Result is list of “qualified” bidders  Speeds process when scope finally known

13 Bonds…  Bid bonds  Avoids loss if bidder cannot/does not accept contract  5%-10% of bid price  Returned when agreement signed  Common on public contracts  Bonds purchased from “surety” company  Performance & payment bonds  Intent is to protect owner from contractor failure  Insurance (surety) company guarantees completion  Payment bond pays labor & material debts of contractor  Prime often requires bonds of subcontractors  Ability to obtain bonds depends on prior performance

14 Insurance…  General liability insurance  Operations  Personal injury  Liability during construction  Automobile medical & physical payments  Post-project liability  Builder’s Risk Insurance  Covers perils during construction  Fire, lightning, vandalism, windstorm  Additional perils: collapse, terrorism, rupture, etc…

15 Bid Opening & Evaluation…  Technical evaluation & review  Will bid achieve owner’s intent  Is bidder’s plan competent & safe  Are subcontractors qualified  Price evaluation  Rank order by low to high bid  Are all bids “responsive”; i.e.. meet all requirements  Bids may not be “qualified” in any way  Review of “schedule of values” or estimated payment schedule  Determine “apparent” low bidder  Bid qualification  Is bidder disqualified for any reason  Are bonds, insurance & certifications adequate  Recording of bids & recommend award

16 Career Fair Florida Institute of Technology FALL CAREER FAIR 2015 Wednesday, Sept 30, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Clemente Center OPEN ONLY TO FLORIDA TECH STUDENTS & ALUMNI List of firms:

17 Prepare a Professional Resume  Objective statement – try to be specific about what kind of a job you are seeking.  Education – do not include high school; but do list all community college or college level education.  Work experience – this is the most important part of the resume. State each employer you have worked for. State the name of the company, the location and the dates. Use bullets that describe the “specific” tasks that you performed; say what you actually did.  Be specific – don’t use terms like “helped engineers on a project”… state exactly what you did to show the employer what experiences you have. Use terms like “prepared quantity take off for 35 unit housing development”.

18 Resume-2  Use bullets to make terms stand out – engineers like things that are well organized so use (small) bullets.  Be organized – make the resume look as organized as possible. Be sure all the margins line up and the fonts are all the same. Fonts should be Times Roman 11 or 12. Be sure all the spelling is correct.  Use professional language – For example don’t say “I’m looking for a good job”… say “I’m seeking a responsible position”. Also, be sure to use good English and correct spelling.  Show “Relevant Courses” – have a section with this title to display the courses you have taken that support your desired field of work.

19 Resume-3  Special skills – use this section to highlight any special skills that you may have.  Honors and awards: use bullets here, be brief. Do not include high school. But do include a professional society or were an officer in a club or fraternity, such as ASCE.  References – do not list references, but state “references provided on request”. References are usually reserved for the second interview. Be sure that you ask the people whom you list as references for their permission to do so.  Additional Tips: go to my web site: Look in folder 07-Student Career Info

20 Example Cover

21 Example Resume

22 Resume evaluation 1. APPEARANCE (10pts) Presentation is attractive, professional looking 2. OBJECTIVE (10pts)Objective clearly stated and narrowly focused 3. EXPERIENCE (40pts) Specific items of experiences are briefly, but clearly described; items are easy to find and well organized. 4. ORGANIZATION(10pts) Follows class format. Resume format puts most important information near the top. Major sections are bolded. Items are grouped together for impact and concise reading. 5. COVER LETTER (30pts)Cover letter is needed for job hunting. 6. TOTAL POINTS = 100

23 Career Fair-homework  Write a professional resume using the template I will give to you.  Attend the Annual Career Fair that will be held in the Clemente Center on Sept 30 th from 1100am to 300pm.  Interview at least 3 of the employers who hire civil engineers or construction managers  Turn in a resume & cover letter to a prospective firm you might like to work for  Turn in a summary sheet of the information you obtained (graded assignment)

24 Career Fair-interviews  Name each of the companies that you interview and include the following in your summary as a minimum: What type of services do they provide? Who are the principal clients or customers? Do they employ civil engineers? What types of jobs are they hiring for? Do they use project management? How are their project managers trained? What are typical responsibilities for entry level engineers? Do they have a development program for young engineers? How are personnel evaluated? Is a PE license required? What benefits are provided: health, 401k, dental, vacation? Does the employer participate in paying for these benefits? Would you like to work for this company?

25 Career Fair - firms

26 Job Evaluation Matrix

27 That’s all for today…

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