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Published byJoy Wilson Modified over 9 years ago
Helix Nebula- The Science Cloud Project Overview and Mgmt Bob Jones - CERN Helix Nebula Review 26 June 2014 This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula Partners and Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301
2 Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN Review Agenda 09:30CERN, CNR, Atos, CloudSigma WP1: Project Overview and Management HNX video CGIWP5: HNX & Flagship Deployment EGI.euWP6: Inter-operability with e-infrastructures 10:45Coffee 11:00SAPWP7: Business Models T-SystemsWP8: Governance Models CSAWP2: Engagement and Dissemination EMBLWP9: Evaluation, roadmap and development Plan CERN, Atos, CNRSummary and Future Directions 13:00Lunch 14:00Closed Session 15:00Feedback from Reviewers
Project overview and management Objectives Consortium Work Packages Role of Atos, CNR, CloudSigma in P2 Management Deliverables/milestones Provisional Financial status Effort consumption 3Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Objectives Project objectives re-considered based on: The recommendations of the project reviewers after the first project review Led to a set of actions agreed at the third General Assembly in Sept. 2013 Production Platform Build a production service for the “generic cloud for science “ business model in 2014 Co-design higher level services working towards the “Information as a Service” business model that can build on “generic cloud for science” Integrate GEANT as part of the production platform Utilisation Demand-side to further test the readiness of the production platform with the existing flagships during 2014 Procurement: CERN, ESA & EMBL will work together to identify acceptable procurement models Understand the needs and constraints of an additional flagship to be deployed in 2014 (PIC Neuroimaging Center in Barcelona) Organisation Governance: revise the NDA to cover the whole of 2014 and prepare a new governance model taking into account the experience of the pilot phase Expand the HN consortium with new users, suppliers and adopters 4Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
The Helix Nebula Initiative as of May 2014 Strategic Plan Establish multi- tenant, multi- provider cloud infrastructure Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy Create governance structure Define funding schemes Strategic Plan Establish multi- tenant, multi- provider cloud infrastructure Identify and adopt policies for trust, security and privacy Create governance structure Define funding schemes To support the computing capacity needs for the ATLAS experiment Setting up a new service to simplify analysis of large genomes, for a deeper insight into evolution and biodiversity To create an Earth Observation platform, focusing on earthquake and volcano research Adopters To improve the speed and quality of research for finding surrogate biomarkers based on brain images Suppliers Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN5
Timelines 6 Initiative FP7 project Flagships 2011201220132014 Workshop ESRIN Strategic Plan agreed Workshop EMBL Proof of Concept (PoC) deployments start PoC deployments complete Pilot deployments start (CERN, EMBL, ESA) TechArch doc published Blue Box and ServArch docs published Catalyst for change in Europe doc published General Assembly (GA) 1, CERN GA2, ESA public event PoC deployments assessed (CERN, EMBL, ESA) New flagships presented (PIC, ECMWF, UNESCO) Flagships selected (CERN, EMBL, ESA) GA4, CERN public event GA3 EMBL LoI for Market announced HNX Market launched Flagship deployments launched on HNX Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Work Packages 7Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Work Packages WP1: Management & Coordination (CERN) WP2: Engagement and Dissemination (Cloud Security Alliance) WP3 (ended in M13): Representation of requirements (CloudSigma) WP4 (ended in M13): Cloud platform & provisioning (Atos) WP5: Flagship Deployment (Logica/`CGI) WP6: Inter-operability with e-infrastructures ( WP7: Business Models (SAP) WP8: Governance Models (T-Systems) WP9: Evaluation Roadmap and Development Plan (EMBL) Duration: 2 years Start Date: 01 June 2012 EC co-funding: 1.8 Million € Total budget: ~2.9 Million € Total effort: 202 person months 8 Proportion of effort by work package as foreseen in DoW at the start of the project Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Relationships between work packages WP1 - Coordination WP2 – Engagement and Dissemination 9Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN Higher level of interaction between WP 4-9 than foreseen
Consortium 10Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
EC Project Beneficiaries 10 beneficiaries within the FP7 project which is itself part of a larger initiative The Helix Nebula Initiative has grown from 20 members at the start of the EC project in June 2012 to 41 in the course of 2 years The overall initiative: 16 Suppliers 12 Adopters seeking to engage as suppliers 9 Active Users 4 Adopters with candidate use cases The EC project Beneficiaries: Suppliers: 7 Users: 3 11Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Members of the Helix Nebula Initiative #OrganisationRoleEntry Date 41European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) Adopter/UserMay 2014 40CloudEOAdopter/SupplyApril 2014 39Ultimum TechnologiesSupplierJan 2014 38YandexAdopter/SupplyJan 2014 37MemsetSupplierJan 2014 36Port d'Informació Científica (PIC)UserSept 2013 35Indra Sistemas S.A.SupplierSept 2013 34VisioterraSupplierMarch 2013 33SWITCHSupplierJan 2013 32UNESCOAdopterJan 2013 31CNRSAdopterDec 2012 30Trinity College, DublinAdopterDec 2012 29IFREMERAdopterDec 2012 28Emergence Tech LtdAdopterDec 2012 27ECMWFAdopterDec 2012 26AW Software und Technologie GmbH (AWST) AdopterNov 2012 25DANTESupplierOct 2012 24NextworksAdopterSept 2012 23CNR-IREAUserJun 2012 22CNESUserJun 2012 21DLRUserJun 2012 Signed the NDA after the 1st review and more candidates in the pipeline #OrganisationEntry RoleDate 20Trust ITAdopterApril 2012 19CSA EMEASupplierApril 2012 18SAPSupplierFeb2012 17TelefonicaAdopterFeb2012 16InterouteSupplierFeb 2012 15CloudsigmaSupplierFeb 2012 14T-SystemsSupplierFeb 2012 13EGI.euSupplierFeb 2012 12AtosSupplierFeb 2012 11CapgeminiAdopterFeb 2012 10Universidad MadridAdopterFeb 2012 9SixsqSupplierFeb 2012 8The Servers LabsSupplierFeb 2012 7TerradueAdopterFeb 2012 6CGISupplierFeb 2012 5ThalesAdopterFeb 2012 4Orange Business ServicesAdopterFeb 2012 3ESAUserFeb 2012 2EMBLUserFeb 2012 1CERNUserFeb 2012 Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN12
Atos in period 2 Atos was WP4 - Service Provisioning – leader (officially ended in period 1) The final edition & revision of D4.3 was in June’14 (period 2) Continued to contribute to HN in period 2 through: Other WPs, and collaborating with other EC projects and interest groups: PRACE, FedSM, etc. as recommended during the first review in July 2013 Atos played an active part in working groups such as ServArch and TechArch, and in the creation of the Helix Nebula Marketplace (HNX) Took part in the Select Industry Group (SIG) discussions, established by the EC as part of the European Cloud Partnership (ECP) programme Discussions included SLAs, Certifications and Codes of Conduct Atos has been particularly active in the overall management and coordination of activities of HN initiative in P2 Chairing (bi-)weekly supply-side teleconferences Hosted face-to-face meetings in July, December 2013 and March, June 2014 Most of these activities have not been charged to the EC project Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN13
CNR in period 2 Participation in the definition of the Governance model: Conducted interviews and contributed to the organisation of the Governance workshop during GA3 The ESA flagship: Contributed to the evolution of the exploitation platform concept into the INFOaaS model A scientific use case representative of an INFOaaS business model was presented at GA4 The FP7 DORIS and LAMPRE FP7 projects (both led by CNR): Initiated discussions (along with ESA) on using HN as an environment for deploying the DORIS and LAMPRE services Represented the project at Earth Observation related events: Living Planet Symposium (Edinburgh, Sep. 2013) Cloud Computing for the UK Research Community (London, Nov. 2013) European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, Apr. 2014), in collaboration with ESA Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN14
CloudSigma in period 2 New flagship PICNICC taken through the on-boarding process Goal for PIC flagship: Reduce costs and improve speed of delivery, increase volume and accuracy for Neuroimaging Requirements entered into the online tool Effectiveness of online forms improved using PIC feedback Initial deployment directly with CloudSigma Completed and reported at 4 th General Assembly 15Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Management 16Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Management Structure Weekly management team teleconferences chaired and documented by CERN (40 in period 2) attended by: 3 suppliers (Atos, CloudSigma, T-Systems) 3 demand side representatives (CERN, EMBL-EBI, ESA) 1 invited (CGI,, The Servers Labs, Terradue, SAP, EUBrazilCC, EUTechStrategy, etc.) Signed on 22.06.2012 17 Updated on 24.04.2013 Amended on 10.02.2014 Signed by all parties in November 2012 Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN Collaboration Boards chaired by EMBL: 25 Sept. 2013, Heidelberg, Germany 16 May 2014, CERN, Geneva
Management Tasks Beneficiaries’ cost statements were processed in July 2013 All costs declared in NEF were approved Interim payments received in October 2013 At the third general assembly (September 2013): Work plan updated and the table of content of the deliverables due for period 2 agreed The project coordinator agreed to distribute the first interim payment Resource consumption was reconsidered and the contractual Description of Work amended based on: Deviations in planned versus consumed effort in P1 The decision made to focus the remaining effort on making the transition from pilot to production Beneficiaries and the project coordinator decided on budget reallocation and effort transfer collectively 18Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Grant Agreement Amendment # 2: 10 Feb 2014 The consortium agreed that the priority for period 2 should be the transition from a pilot phase to a production platform. Annex 1 modified accordingly. Resources which were not foreseen to be spent in period 2 were redistributed to address the transition tasks. Annex 1 modified accordingly. Changes made to the Description of Work : The description of D7.3 and D7.4 refined to reflect the transition from “generic cloud services” to “InfoaaS” The cost calculation for beneficiary SAP based on a valid Certificate on the Methodology, SAPs budget was amended accordingly The budget for legal advice to the governance work package (WP8) of 13,125 EUR transferred to T-Systems, who sub-contracted the task to BHO Legal, a third party To increase the relevance of the project deliverables to the EC policy for cloud computing, CERN reassigned 5000EUR under WP1 to a subcontractor, EUTechStrategy, who contributed to the roadmap report and updated the strategic plan (D9.1 & D9.2) The WP6 provision (13,000 EUR) for workshops including participation of invited experts was partly (7000 EUR) transferred to the travel budget to cover the costs of two additional workshops 19Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Deliverables – Period 2 Del. no NameLead benef iciary NatureDissem. level Delivery date from Annex I (proj/ month) Actual / Forecast delivery date Submitted on D7.2Synthesis and Analysis of Overall Business Models7SAPReportPUM1723/10/2013 D7.3 Costing exercise comparing in-house vs. cloud based operation for the CERN flagship use-case and incorporation of qualitative cloud adoption criteria targeting prospect members 7SAPReportPUM2120/02/2014 D7.4 Information as a Service – Towards Value Co-Creation in a European Cloud Computing Platform Ecosystem 7SAPReportPUM2123/02/2014 D8.1 A study of governance models for public-private cloud partnerships 8 T- Systems ReportPUM2423/05/2014 D2.2Final Dissemination Report2 Cloud Security Alliance ReportPUM2426/05/2014 D6.2 Roadmap for the integration and interoperation of commercial cloud with e-Infrastructures 6EGI.euReportPUM2426/05/2014 D9.1A roadmap of future developments9EMBLReportPUM2430/05/2014 D9.2 Strategic Plan for a Scientific Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Europe: Three years on 9EMBLReportPUM2430/05/2014 D5.2Report on future technical requirements5CGIReportPUM24 30/05/2014 D5.4Final Flagship deployment report5CGIReportPUM2430/05/2014 20 Additional reports published by the initiative: The e-Infrastructure Commons Marketplace Position Paper The Helix Nebula Marketplace Catalogue The Engagement Plan Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Milestones – P2 N°NameWP no.Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I (proj month) Achieved Yes/No Actual / Forecast delivery date MS12Security Challenge Performed5CGIM14YESM17 MS3 Summary of the third general assembly of the Helix Nebula Initiative 1CERNM15YESM17 MS17 Overall business models and risk management and evaluation agreed by all partners on supply and demand sides 7SAPM15YESM17 MS16Technical workshop (co-located with EGI Technical Forum 2013)6EGI.euM15YESM18 MS4Summary of the fourth meeting of the general assembly1CERNM23YESM24 MS13 Workshop during GA4 to provide input to the final evaluation, assessment and report 5CGIM24YESM24 MS12Security Challenge Performed5CGIM14YESM17 MS3 Summary of the third general assembly of the Helix Nebula Initiative 1CERNM15YESM17 MS17 Overall business models and risk management and evaluation agreed by all partners on supply and demand sides 7SAPM15YESM17 MS16Technical workshop (co-located with EGI Technical Forum 2013)6EGI.euM15YESM18 MS4Summary of the fourth meeting of the general assembly1CERNM23YESM24 MS13Workshop during GA4 to provide input to the final evaluation, assessment and report 5CGIM24YESM24 21Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Financial Status 22Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Resources and Funding Co-funding by the EC FP7 project: Coordinating beneficiaries’ efforts and animating the initiative Policy aspects, Communication and Outreach Demand-side Contribution to the cost of cloud resources consumed and specific developments CERN: 65K EUR on computing resources ESA: 40K EUR + 200K EUR to run the exploitation platform EMBL: 60K EUR on computing resources + 12K EUR to develop the EC2 Bridge Manpower for porting flagships to the infrastructure (WP5, not reported in cost claims) Supply-side (Atos, CloudSigma, CSA, Logica, SAP, T-Systems) Development of services and Blue Boxes Full cost of the operation of the services Significant contribution from members of the HN initiative (not beneficiaries of the EC FP7 project): ESA and CNES: manpower for flagship deployment + cost of services consumed SMEs: SixSq, TheServerLabs involved in TechArch and ServArch Development of services and connection to Blue Boxes by suppliers (Interoute) Dante & NRENs: Effort to connect supplier data centres to GEANT Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Provisional Financial Status Based on Beneficiaries’ provisional Cost Claims for Period 2 Total Costs: 1’448.331 EUR 88% of total budgeted costs for P2 of which direct personnel costs are 89 % and the remaining costs are travel, minor subcontracting and overheads 24Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Total Cost per Beneficiary 25Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Provisional Financial Status 26 Over-spending beneficiary Beneficiary Budget Consumption – Period 2 Overspent by (EUR) Atos89’66620’504 Most under-spending beneficiaries Beneficiary Budget Consumption – Period 2 Under-spent by (k EUR) T-Systems146’80096’657 EMBL 163’892 91’915 CloudSigma35’35219’250 Work completed using effort funded via internal sources Project funded effort concentrated on WP5 in P2 All beneficiaries have contributed to the project Missing actual indirect costs Task of defining the cloud platform and provisioning peaked in P2. Has required more highly-skilled and experienced staff than expected Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN The establishment of an online requirement gathering template required less manpower than originally foreseen 26
Effort Consumption 27Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Total Effort by Beneficiary 28 Transition from pilot to production required more effort than expected Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Total Effort by Activity 29Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
Summary The project has fully completed its second year of work All beneficiaries have been active and have justified their costs Suitable structures have been put in place to manage the foreground of the project within the context of the larger Helix Nebula initiative in the future The members of the larger Helix Nebula initiative have contributed significant resources to achieving the objectives of the FP7 project 30Helix Nebula review- Bob Jones - CERN
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