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Teaching with WorldCat Local: What’s Different? Meg Grotti, University of Delaware Karen Sobel, University of Colorado- Denver.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching with WorldCat Local: What’s Different? Meg Grotti, University of Delaware Karen Sobel, University of Colorado- Denver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching with WorldCat Local: What’s Different? Meg Grotti, University of Delaware Karen Sobel, University of Colorado- Denver


3 Whose Libraries have WorldCat Local?

4 Disclaimer

5 Thesis Statement

6 Agenda Results First! What we discovered Methodology Themes, challenges and recommendations Institutional context Brainstorming guide Q&A Discussions Throughout!

7 What we discovered Survey focused upon 3 major themes: – Skills Taught – Populations Taught – Materials Searched

8 Methodology Practical, informal ways of coming up with real questions From questions to scholarly inquiry Identifying WCL academic libraries: OCLC-WCL-L listserv “Snowball” survey Gathering data using Google Forms Horrible long link to our survey: s2UlVHWVJtQkwtN1E6MA#gid=0 s2UlVHWVJtQkwtN1E6MA#gid=0

9 Theme 1: Skills Taught New emphasis on Interlibrary Loan, networked libraries Shift in searching paradigm Librarians are teaching with WorldCat Local in a similar way to traditional catalog systems

10 Theme 1: Skills Taught: Recommendations Multiple Formats= Teaching Moment Information Dissemination Timeline Citation Tools List function can support groupwork

11 Discussion When you teach with WorldCat Local, what information literacy skills do you tend to emphasize?

12 Theme 2: Populations Taught No great difference between populations taught “Tiered Approach”

13 Theme 2: Populations Taught Recommendations Beginning Researchers: – Build on prior knowledge – Exploration – Format basics Intermediate Researchers: – Higher level tasks – Citation /Attribution – Authorities on a subject

14 Discussion Do you find yourself teaching WorldCat Local more to some populations than others? Do you find that some populations gravitate towards this resource while others do not?

15 Theme 3: Materials Searched Searching for select material types – Books, a/v OR searching for “all” Why doesn’t anyone focus on article searching?

16 Theme 3: Materials Searched Recommendations Searching “all” helps students learn about material formats. Article searching always gets results. Learn who can change what.

17 Discussion Who has had good luck with teaching article searching via WCL? Would anyone like to share techniques? Do these work with all patron groups, or only specific ones?

18 Institutional Context: How WCL is integrated in your library Patrons’ immediate needs Patrons’ future research needs Patrons’ backgrounds in terms of experience, language, and more

19 Brainstorming Guide Different best practices for every institution Most institutions need a tiered approach Brainstorming guide + your institutional knowledge = WCL teaching success!

20 Keep in touch Discussion group: group/wclinstructors

21 Image Credits and References All Images were distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) license “Old Time Bath” by The Pfaus “Classroom of Students” by Tulane Publications “Open Book” by Sarah Michael “School Supplies” by Wirawat Lian-udom “Study” by Lester Public Library “School Bus” by Geoffery Kehrig “Front of Classroom” by Chris Campbell “Angela Thompson” by Tulane Publications “School Supplies” by tormol “Lecture Hall” by uniinnsbruck “Brainstorming” by Marco Arment “Wet Feet” by p4nc0np4n “Steps” by Larry Miller

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