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Welcome To Marshall Hill’s Encore Presentation We want to harvest a good partnership between home and school.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Marshall Hill’s Encore Presentation We want to harvest a good partnership between home and school."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome To Marshall Hill’s Encore Presentation We want to harvest a good partnership between home and school.

3 Michael J. McCormick Principal Christine Genardi-Fisher Maureen Mulligan Encore Teacher Reading Specialist

4 Curriculum Overview  NJ follows Common Core Standards   Balanced Literacy Program using Readers’ and Writers’ Workshop  Guided Spelling  Go Math –adopted Sept. 2014

5 Appropriate Reading Instruction  1. Phonemic (sound) awareness  2. Phonics  3. Reading fluency  4. Vocabulary  5. Comprehension


7 How can we work together to help your child?

8 What do we do if students are in need of remediation?  What don’t our teachers do?  Use data to drive instruction  Guided Reading  Small group instruction  Peer tutoring  Evidence-based instructional strategies  Sunrise Scholars

9 A Tiered Approach to Intervention Tier I General Education Classroom – Use data to drive instruction Cooperative learning Peer tutoring Peer conferences Guided reading (small group) strategy instruction All referred to as universal intervention because it is available to all students in the classroom. Tier II Individualized Intervention: Students who need additional support than peers are given individual intervention plans (ISIP Plan-ENCORE Program) Evidence-based instruction Parent and teacher meetings are held to discuss the remediation plan and to make the maximum effort to accommodate individual students’ needs Examples: ISIP Plan-enrolled in ENCORE Program, Sunrise Scholars,

10 Criteria for Placement in ENCORE  Teacher recommendation  Report card grades  Checklist  Classroom observation  Rubric scored writing assessments  Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment does not meet grade level expectations

11 Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Kindergarten teachers will conduct the assessments twice a year Determines reading levels for each student Assessment used to drive instruction so that the teacher is differentiating instruction for students

12 Exit Criteria 1. Scores are proficient or higher on a district or state assessment 2. Report card grades reflect average or higher achievement 3. Recommendation of classroom or encore teacher 4. Monitor List

13 Instructional Setting and Scheduling  Small group of 2-6 students  Inclusion  Thirty-five minute time slots based on student needs and research

14 Benefits  Small group setting allows students to take risks  Students get instant feedback  Anecdotal Records

15 Instructional Techniques  Teacher modeling  Reading strategy language  Small group discussion to promote higher order thinking  Letter/word work  Writing process  Guided, shared and independent reading and writing  Memory aids  Graphic organizers  Journal writing

16 Resources Resources Leveled Literacy Intervention (4 part lesson plan) Multi-sensory techniques (sand, screens, magnetic letters) Technology

17 Strategies Used Solving Words Solving Words New Sight Words New Sight Words Monitoring and Correcting Monitoring and Correcting Searching for and Using Information Searching for and Using Information Summarizing Summarizing Maintaining Fluency Maintaining Fluency Adjusting Reading Rate Adjusting Reading Rate Predicting Predicting Making Connections Making Connections Synthesizing Synthesizing Inferring Inferring Critiquing Critiquing

18 What can you do to help your child in literacy?  Enough sleep  Prepared for school with homework  Read to and with your child  Use sticky notes to jot notes while reading  Introduce new web sites, and infuse technology  View Teacher Logic and stay up to date on student grades  Refer to reading strategies

19 Let’s Talk About Math Smart by Shel Silverstein My dad gave me one dollar bill ‘Cause I’m his smartest son, And I swapped it for two shiny quarters ‘Cause two is more than one! And then I took the quarters And traded them to Lou For three dimes – I guess he don’t know That three is more than two! Just then, along came old blind Bates And just ‘cause he can’t see He gave me four nickels for my three dimes And four is more than three! And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs Down at the seed-feed store, And the fool gave me five pennies for them, And five is more than four! And then I went and showed my dad, And he got red in the cheeks And closed his eyes and shook his head – Too proud of me to speak!

20 How can math be a part of your child’s life?  Ask child how much time has elapsed since the movie began  Measure while cooking / project  Count change and pay at store  Point out shapes in environment  Estimate how many miles driven

21 Math Resources Website or iPad app Go Math website (Grades K-5) Holt McDougal website (Grade 6) Khan Academy Teachers

22 Your John Hancock  Review and sign forms  Sign up for Parent / Teacher Conferences

23 An Apple for the Parent An Apple for the teacher... It's really nothing new. Except when you remember, Parents are teachers too! An Apple for the teacher... It's really nothing new. Except when you remember, Parents are teachers too!



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