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How does the contrast between Mrs. Sommers’ thoughts, actions and words reveal aspects of her character?

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Presentation on theme: "How does the contrast between Mrs. Sommers’ thoughts, actions and words reveal aspects of her character?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does the contrast between Mrs. Sommers’ thoughts, actions and words reveal aspects of her character?

2 In this lesson you will learn how an author develops characters by analyzing a character’s thoughts, actions and words.

3 Let’s Review Short story Mrs. Sommers Main Character Responds or changes as the plot moves forward

4 Develop character directly Explain what a character is like Develop character directly Explain what a character is like “ S h e w a s k i n d a n d c a r i n g. ” “She loved to buy fancy things.” “ S h e w a s t a l l a n d e l e g a n t. ”

5 Let’s Review Develop character indirectly Use a character’s thoughts, words and actions Develop character indirectly Use a character’s thoughts, words and actions W h a t d o e s s h e s a y ? What does she do? W h a t d o e s s h e t h i n k ?

6 Core Lesson Use a character web to track what a character thinks, does and says. 1 2 Ask: “What do these observations show me about the character?” and jot your answers down. 3 Summarize what you have learned about the character by completing the character web.

7 Thinks Thinks Says Says Does Does My Summary My Summary

8 Core Lesson The question of investment was one that occupied her greatly. For a day or two she walked about apparently in a dreamy state, but really absorbed in speculation and calculation. She did not wish to act hastily, to do anything she might afterward regret. But it was during the still hours of the night when she lay awake revolving plans in her mind that she seemed to see her way clearly toward a proper and judicious use of money. Thinks a great deal about how to spend the money Doesn’t want to make a mistake Thinks a great deal about how to spend the money Doesn’t want to make a mistake W h a t d o e s M r s. S o m m e r s t h i n k ? Thinks

9 Core Lesson Mrs. Sommers was one who knew the value of bargains; who could stand for hours making her way inch by inch toward the desired object that was selling below cost. She could elbow her way if need be; she learned to clutch a piece of goods and hold it and stick to it with persistence and determination till her turn came to be served, no matter when it came. Fights for a good deal Is used to doing this and knows how to do it well Fights for a good deal Is used to doing this and knows how to do it well W h a t d o e s M r s. S o m m e r s d o ? Does

10 Core Lesson “A dollar and ninety-eight cents,” she mused aloud. “Well, I’ll take this pair.” She handed the girl a five-dollar bill and waited for her change. What a very small parcel it was! It seemed lost in the depth of her shabby old shopping bag. Repeats the cost of the stockings Changes her plan and says she will take the stockings Repeats the cost of the stockings Changes her plan and says she will take the stockings W h a t d o e s M r s. S o m m e r s s a y ? Says

11 Core Lesson Thinks Thinks a great deal about how to spend the money Doesn’t want to make a mistake Thinks Thinks a great deal about how to spend the money Doesn’t want to make a mistake Says Repeats the cost of the stockings Changes her plan and says she will take the stockings Says Repeats the cost of the stockings Changes her plan and says she will take the stockings Does Fights for a good deal Is used to doing this and knows how to do it well Does Fights for a good deal Is used to doing this and knows how to do it well Contrast from her selfless thoughts and actions early in story Wants more from her unexpected money Wants things for herself Contrast from her selfless thoughts and actions early in story Wants more from her unexpected money Wants things for herself W h a t d o t h e s e o b s e r v a t i o n s s h o w m e a b o u t M r s. S o m m e r s ? My Summary

12 Core Lesson Use a character web to track what a character thinks, does and says. 1 2 Ask: “What do these observations show me about the character?” and jot your answers down. 3 Summarize what you have learned about the character by completing the character web.

13 In this lesson you have learned how an author develops characters by analyzing a character’s thoughts, actions and words.

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