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ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO DI GATTEO. GATTEO is in Emilia Romagna, a region in Northen Italy including the two historical regions of EMILIA and ROMAGNA. The.

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2 GATTEO is in Emilia Romagna, a region in Northen Italy including the two historical regions of EMILIA and ROMAGNA. The capital is BOLOGNA; it has an area of 22,446 km 2 and about 4.4 million inhabitants. 2 ROMAGNA EMILIA ROMAGNA

3 3 The population of this region is traditionally well distributed, so there is not a dominant metropolis but an axis of medium size cities along the Via Emilia, where the majority of regional industrial production is concentrated. Also the coast of Romagna is densely populated thanks to the huge boom of the seaside tourism in the last decades. In the peripherical areas of the Apennine Mountains and the agricultural plain the population is less dense.

4 House of Malatesta Our valley is surrounded by green rolling hills crossed by scenic routes on the top of which there are many castles and medieval fortresses, built in defence of the territory for their strategic position by Malatesta Family. They ruled over Rimini from 1295 until 1500, as well as (in different periods) other lands and towns in Romagna. Several Malatesta were commanders (condottieri) at the service of various Italian states. 4 The Indian elephant symbol of Malatesta SIGISMONDO MALATESTA

5 5 The Malatestian fortress in Verucchio Malatestian castle in S.Arcangelo di Romagna

6 Emilia Romagna has got a balanced economy based on the biggest agricultural sector in Italy. In spite of the depth and variety of industrial activities in the region, agriculture has not been eclipsed. The agricultural sector has aimed for increased competitiveness by means of structural reorganisation and high-quality products, and this has led to the success of marketed brands. Cereals,potatoes,maize, tomatoes and onions are the most important products, along with fruit and grapes for the production of wine 6 OUR ECONOMY

7 Fruit produced in our territory 7

8 FOOTWEAR INDUSTRY 8 We’re in an area specialized in the production of high –quality footwear. Its success is testified by the brands of the companies among the most important in the sector. There’s also a large number of firms involved in the production of semifinished products, from heels to soles.

9 The town of Faenza is worldwide the symbol of pottery and the term “faience” is still used in some areas of Europe as a synonymous of majolica 9

10 Emilia Romagna has got a secular tradition in automobile, motor and mechanic productions. FERRARI

11 Tourism The Adriatic coast has got a long strech of sand, 70 km between the provinces of Ravenna, Cesena and Rimini and a very vocation for tourism. Cesenatico, Cervia, Gatteo a Mare, Rimini have maintained their maritime and historical traditions enhancing and highlighting the cheerful and creative spirit of its welcoming people. They have a great hospitality tradition and offer holidays for tourists of all ages. Hotels and bathing establishments are today highly specialized in offering any kind of confort to their customers, from food to entertainment and beach sports fields. These towns are also the perfect starting point to discover the area around them, up to the highest hills, crossing cities and towns full of history and culture. 11

12 Gatteo Mare

13 Rimini is not only a big seaside town but an art city with ancient Roman and Renaissance monuments and the hometown of the famous film director Federico Fellini 13 TIBERIUS BRIDGE MALATESTIAN TEMPLE

14 Cuisine and gastronomy Emilia–Romagna is well-known in Italy for its food: stuffed home-made pasta: which are found als 14

15 Parmesan cheese cheese 15 Parma ham


17 Piadina romagnola 17 Red wine Sangiovese

18 You can see the traditional piadina kiosks spread throughout the towns and along the main roads 18 ATYPICALPIADINAKIOSKATYPICALPIADINAKIOSK


20 The municipality of Gatteo is really four towns in one that divides the geography of this municipality located in the low valley of Rubicon river, in the province of Forlì-Cesena. Sant'Angelo is the most sizeable town both from the demographic or industrial point of view. The small town of Fiumicino also stands out for its industrial and artisan activities. Gatteo a Mare, is a beach resort, a small treasure between “water sky and land”, discovered seventy years ago, it represents an example of organization within the tourist industry. THE MUNICIPALITY OF GATTEO IT’S HISTORY Gatteo was a Roman settlement risen close to the ancient "Compitum“– the present St. John in Compito; several archeological finds testify it : bricks, marbles, metals, coins and statues have been found all around the surrounding area.,

21 The new Cultural Centre “Gli Antonelli” hosts: -The Library -_Information for young people ; - A school music. _ THE TOWN HALL

22 Our itinerary can start from Piazza Vesi, where the Municipal Palace is located.

23 The tour continues as far as Piazza Fracassi-Poggi and its San Lorenzo Parish Church which is also the core of the town; here you can admire the paintings by Montanari, who was born in Gatteo in the second half of 17th century and, later, moved to Rome to improve his artistic technique.

24 In front of the main square you can see the Malatesta Castle and appreciate its two bastions, the entrance tower and the town walls.

25 The route takes you to the Oratory of San Rocco, a valuable example of sacred architecture. Thanks to its charming features, it is intended for classical music concerts. The entrance hall to this church, which is finely decorated with holy frescoes, is really worthwhile.

26 Walking on, you can catch a lovely view of the church, dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, that belongs to Istituto Don Ghinelli. In spite of the damages during the Second World War, the church preserves the ancient bell tower of Sant'Antonio Abate which is still whole.

27 The Istituto comprensivo di Gatteo was born 1st September 2007 and it includes three Nursery schools (for children from three to six), three Primary schools and a Secondary school. The following schools belong to the Istituto Comprensivo di Gatteo: Secondary school “G. Pascoli” in Gatteo; Primary school “E. De Amicis” in Gatteo; Primary school “M. Moretti” in Sant’Angelo; Primary school “C. Collodi” in Gatteo Mare; Nursery school “ Gatteo”; Nursery school “Girasole” in Sant’Angelo; Nursery school “Pinocchio” in Gatteo Mare.

28 This is the map of our schools:

29 Primary School "Moretti" in Sant’Angelo This year, in the Primary school “Moretti”, there are nine classes with a total of 147 pupils. Classes are distributed on three floors.

30 Primary school "Collodi" in Gatteo Mare In the Primary school “Collodi” there are 5 classes with a total number of 102 pupils. Classrooms are placed on the first and on the second floor.

31 Primary School "Edmondo De Amicis" In the Primary School "Edmondo De Amicis" there are ten classes with a total of 169 pupils. The classrooms are distributed on two floors.

32 32 Nursery school "Gatteo" Nursery school "Girasole" Nursery school “Pinocchio”

33 The Secondary school of Gatteo In the secondary school there are ten classes with a total of 250 students. School starts at 8.10 and ends at 13.10, from Monday to Saturday. Some extracurricular activities, such as drama club, music lessons, dancing, sport activities, recovery lessons, practice course for the Cambridge Key English Test, courses for motor-cycle driving licence are held in the afternoon, three times a week.

34 Drama is one of our main extracurricolar activities. This is Lusiana, the teacher in charge of our drama club called “ I Ragazzi di Betta”

35 The Drama club also includes playing instruments and............

36 ....dancing

37 This is our last performance at Bonci Theatre, in Cesena, the most important theatre in Romagna. Our drama club also performs for students of other schools

38 Each year students participate in "Youth Games" that include competitions and races on provincial, regional and national levels.These are two students who are participating in the provincial stage of the cross country running.

39 Our school teams


41 During the sewing workshop costumes for our drama club are created.

42 A new sunrise is waiting for us

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