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Complying with Acceptable Use Policies.  AUP  Code of Conduct for Internet Use  Used by Organizations and Businesses  Outlines agreement in writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Complying with Acceptable Use Policies.  AUP  Code of Conduct for Internet Use  Used by Organizations and Businesses  Outlines agreement in writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complying with Acceptable Use Policies

2  AUP  Code of Conduct for Internet Use  Used by Organizations and Businesses  Outlines agreement in writing  Document signed by employee/participant and the governing organization or business

3  Identifies owner of computers/network  Defines intended use  Unacceptable use  Consequences  Signature of Acceptance

4  Protects the company or organization  Protects the employee (or computer user)  Maintains security  Other reasons?

5  Copyright laws  Child protection laws  Privacy rights and safety  National security  Laws continue to evolve and change!

6  Review and discuss the sample internet use policy as a class.  Identify the key components of the policy

7  Students and parents agree by signing the Student R&R page and turning in. (Always read the documents you sign!)  Review LCPS Policy and Classroom Policy as a class

8  Directions: After the class discussion and review of sample Internet workplace policies, students will work with a partner to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Internet safety and acceptable use policies in the workplace and in the classroom. Students may select one activity from the following list how they will demonstrate their knowledge:  Create PPT presentation and deliver the presentation to the class, outlining the reasons for implementing an acceptable use policy.  Create a poster for display in the classroom that depicts the main reasons for implementing an Internet acceptable use policy  Create an Internet acceptable use policy to be implemented in your own workplace, OR in your marketing classroom.

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