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TEMPUS – FIMACROU Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Professor Anka Mašek, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "TEMPUS – FIMACROU Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Professor Anka Mašek, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEMPUS – FIMACROU Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Professor Anka Mašek, PhD

2  Statute Statute  Financial data Financial data Financial data  Employees Employees  Current situation and vision Current situation and vision Current situation and vision

3 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

4 Slavonija, Baranja and West Sirmium Croatia 21 Counties 56.542 km 2 4.437.000 inhab. (2001) 6 Universities Slavonija, Baranja and West Sirmium 5 Counties 12.466 km 2 (22 % Croatian Land Area) 891.259 inhab. (20% Croatian population) 1 University (16%) According to Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Information 2003

5 J.J. Strossmayer University within Croatian University System Croatian Universities * 72 faculties 107.911 students 13.810 graduated students J.J. Strossmayer U. 12 faculties (16%) 11.108 students (10%) 1.353 graduated students (9,8%) * Data for 2001, according to Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Information 2003

6 Students (2004. - 2005.) Faculty of Full time students on Ministry cost Full time students paying on their own Part time students Graduates Total number of students Electrical Engeneering4652774060729 Civil Engeneering37339065477 Machine Engeneering29027755424 Medicine3088607401 Agriculture743588660947 Food Technology35123066440 Economics78698515261403437 Philosophy703249592731284 Law5714045723551902 Teacher training college261209093563 Department of mathematics28130110394 Academy of art 3980047 Σ517122932360128411108 Source: Sveučilišni Godišnjak, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, 2004-2005

7 Students per Faculties

8 Types of Students

9 Students/ faculty and other employees Faculty of Total number of students Professors and academic staff Students/ prof.& Others Others Students/ Others Electrical Engeneering72958142928 Civil Engeneering4775592321 Machine Engeneering4244992220 Medicine4018151429 Agriculture94711394721 Food Technology4405681825 Economics3437487229119 Philosophy128489153636 Law190247412868 Teacher training college5631636781 Department of mathematics39417241822 Academy of art 47105 Σ111086391827141

10 Revenue (2004. year, in KN) Source: Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera, Osijek, 2004-2005 Faculty Revenue from the Ministry Operating Revenue Other revenueTotal Electrical Engeneering12.812.5464.890.546937.35418.640.446 Civil Engeneering13.135.9333.508.633140.98916.785.555 Machine Engeneering12.530.727578.622587.90313.697.252 Medicine14.122.8563.199.18786.85117.408.894 Agriculture27.061.9722.600.3641.913.34131.575.677 Food Technology15.095.035599.146431.04316.125.224 Economics16.613.79418.535.307959.26536.108.366 Philosophy27.520.0474.734.903280.66832.535.618 Law10.851.7907.265.792146.62818.264.210 Teacher training college7.948.9231.566.7914.8239.520.537 Department of mathematics6.582.912230.689151.9776.965.578 Rektorat15.042.520283.1501.315.40616.642.076 City and university library7.381.81967.440714.3198.163.578 Students centar Osijek47.045.11242.814.3591.446.07591.305.546 Students centar Sl. Brod3.391.9391.247.9182.376.1404.855.603 Total237.137.92592.122.8479.332.388338.593.160

11 Revenue (%, 2004. year) Source: Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera, Osijek, 2004-2005 Faculty Revenue from the MinistryOperating RevenueOther revenue Electrical Engeneering69265 Civil Engeneering78202 Machine Engeneering9145 Medicine81851 Agriculture8497 Food Technology9343 Economics46486 Philosophy84142 Law58402 Teacher training college83161 Department of mathematics9442 Rektorat9028 City and university library9019 Students centar Osijek51472 Students centar Sl. Brod70255 Total7015

12 Revenue of Faculties

13 Sources of Revenue

14 Revenue / Students Revenue%Students% Revenue per student Electrical Eng. 18.640.4468,56%7296,60%25.570 Civil Eng. 16.785.5557,71%4774,33%35.120 Machine Eng. 13.697.2526,29%4243,90%32.305 Medicine 17.408.8947,99%4013,62%43.414 Agriculture 31.575.67714,51%9478,66%33.343 Food Technology 16.125.2247,41%4404,02%36.648 Economics 36.108.36616,59%343731,12%10.506 Philosophy 32.535.61814,95%128411,71%25.339 Law 18.264.2108,41%190217,29%9.603 Teacher train. coll 9.520.5374,38%5635,14%16.910 Department of Math 6.965.5783,20%3943,61%17.679 Total / Average 217.627.357100,00%11061100,00%19.675

15 Revenues per Faculty

16 Students per Faculty

17 ?

18 Employees

19 Employees  Faculty – Professors and academic staff  Others – librarians, administrators,...

20 Employees per faculties

21 Faculty per faculties

22 Employees per faculty,. 2004/2005. year Faculty of Professors and academic staff OthersTotal Electrical Engeneering 582987 Civil Engeneering 552378 Machine Engeneering 492271 Medicine 811495 Agriculture 11347160 Food Technology 561874 Economics 482977 Philosophy 8936125 Law 472875 Teacher training college 16723 Department of mathematics 171835 Academy of art 1010 Rektorat 2525 City and university library 1111 Students centar Osijek 151151 Students centar Sl. Brod 55 Σ 6394631102

23 Proportion faculty employees and other employees Electrical Eng Civil Eng Machine Eng Medicine Agriculture Food Trchnology Economocs Fhilosophy Law Teacher college Department of mahtematics

24 Faculty per student

25 In the transitional period, the Schools will enjoy their legal independence up to 2010, when the Universities will comprise an integrated community. For the time being, the finances are budgetary allocated by the Science Ministry via University, being coordinated by the Universitarian Finances Commission and pertaining to the minimal operational costs, e.g.  (partial) material costs, faculty, and administrative staff salaries;  basic costs.

26 The other revenue portion is being grossed by other Schools’ activities, e.g., by the graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies’ payments, projects, studies, etc. The Schools dispose of these asset portions individually.

27 1.In the transitional period, each University Member — i.e., the Schools respecting certain criterion —, will effectuate the joint University account pay-ins concerning the stipulated revenue sum while respecting two principles: cost-oriented principle: 1.each University Member will pay in the sum pursuant to the calculated service price; 2.proportional principle, commensurate to the observed liability size (e.g., student quota, revenue height, etc.).

28 Momentarily, we dispose of a mixed School and Departmental organization. At this moment, the Departments are fully administratively and financially incorporated into the University, and the Schools are legally independent up to the integration deadline. Presently, the following Departments are existent:  Mathematics Department;  Physics Department;  Chemistry Department;  Biology Department.

29 A University’s vision is a processual reorganization, exemplified by the EU-countries’ Universities, and connection to the practice. Programmed is the following:  establishment of several specialized instructional hubs in other Regional cities pertinent to a targeted student attendees’ group;  establishment of a Sustainable Development Center at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University’s Vukovar chapter as to involve the science into the Regional development together with the expertise.

30 University City and University Library Student Centre in Osijek Student Centre in Slavonski Brod Centre for Technological Development Osijek Sustainable Development Center Retfala Gornji Grad Bibliobus Donji Grad Restaurants Dorms Restaurants Dorms Finance Marketing Water Management Food Processing Institutional hubs Demand

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