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Discover the world at Leiden University Exploring film as a space of attunement in the case of nuclear fallout Anna Volkmar, MATuesday, 31 st March.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover the world at Leiden University Exploring film as a space of attunement in the case of nuclear fallout Anna Volkmar, MATuesday, 31 st March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover the world at Leiden University Exploring film as a space of attunement in the case of nuclear fallout Anna Volkmar, MATuesday, 31 st March

2 Discover the world at Leiden University Medium Earth (2013), 41mins, HD Video, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Anathema (2011), colour HD film and installation, London Presentation at Summit - non-aligned initiatives in education culture, Berlin, 2007 The Otolith Group Kodwo Eshun and Anjalika Sagar

3 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012), Opening Scene The Radiant (2012)

4 Discover the world at Leiden University [TC 00.00.14] The Radiant (2012) [TC 00.00.14]

5 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012) [TC 00.00.42]

6 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012) [TC 00.00.59]

7 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012) [TC 00.13.43]

8 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012), Closing Scene The Radiant (2012)

9 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012) [TC 01.01.01]

10 Discover the world at Leiden University The Radiant (2012) [TC 01.01.30]

11 Discover the world at Leiden University References Literature: Morton, T. (2013). Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Morton, T. (2013). Poisened Ground: Art and Philosophy in the Time of Hyperobjects. Symploke, 21 (1-2), 37–50. Wiener, N. (1985). Cybernetics: or control and communication in the animal and the machine (1948) (4th ed.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Hayles, N. K. (1999). How we became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press. Webpages: Film: The Otolith Group, The Radiant, 2012, HD video, colour, sound, 64 min 14 sec

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