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Workforce Development SEA Managed Process 2.1.1 Job Skills & Cross Training Process Presented July, 2010 Phone: 1(203)729-4900 Email:

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Development SEA Managed Process 2.1.1 Job Skills & Cross Training Process Presented July, 2010 Phone: 1(203)729-4900 Email:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Development SEA Managed Process 2.1.1 Job Skills & Cross Training Process Presented July, 2010 Phone: 1(203)729-4900 Email:

2 Gar-Kenyon Technologies is a leader in the design and manufacture of hydraulic and pneumatic aerospace components..

3 Gar-Kenyon has been designing and manufacturing Aerospace and Defense products for over 50 years. Gar-Kenyon’s origins trace back to 1950 when Kenyon Instrument merged with Gar Precision’s Valve Division. Military programs initially dominated Gar-Kenyon’s revenues, including the A-6, A-10, F-4, F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, C-130, C-5 and P-3 aircraft. During the 1980’s Gar-Kenyon became more closely affiliated with General Aviation aircraft manufacturers. In the 1990’s Gar-Kenyon partnered in the development of components used in various Regional Jet aircraft.

4 Gar-Kenyon’s products are designed to meet specific customer requirements. We specialize in hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical devices. Including: Bleed Valves Check Valves Flow Fuses Manifolds Master Brake Cylinders Parking & Emergency Brakes Relief Valves Restrictors Shimmy Dampers Shuttle Valves Toe Brakes Water Fill Valves Flow Gauges

5 Well Known in Aerospace Industry Gar-Kenyon has produced products for over 100 different aircraft. We supply products to many of the major aircraft and aircraft systems manufacturers.



8 Job Skills & Cross Training Description 2.1.1 Job Skills & Cross-Training Certification Process - How is job skills training and certification accomplished? How does your organization ensure that processes selected are linked to key priorities for improvement? How is cross-training accomplished? How is the team of master trainers maintained and expanded? How is the training and cross- training program reviewed?

9 Preparation Obtain: Annual Workforce Development Plan created in 1.1.5 Job Skills Objectives Training Records Management Quarterly Report. Process Maturity Listing. Strategic Plan Champions Process Owners Master Trainers Collect Data Compile data for review Training Objectives Process Analysis Process Owner feedback Feedback Collect Feedback. Improve Process. Reviews Review training, cross- training, and certification progress and feedback. Review Master Trainer status. Compare training objectives to training activities. Review course outlines Review process metrics and process owner feedback. Review Strategic Plan goals Monthly Review Meeting of Goals, Targets, Action Plans, Champion Reports and training updates. 2.1.1 Job Skills & Cross Training Process Quarterly Employee Meetings to review company performance, goal status, training progress and obtain employee feedback. Training Plans

10 Agenda for Job Skills & Cross Training Meeting Objectives of Meeting Review status of current training and certification progress Review Strategic Plan Define objectives Analyze processes Identify SME's Obtain Process Owner feedback Review Master Trainer team status Participants: Process owners and Process Champions. Preparation: Meeting Owner to send out agenda to participants 5 days prior to meeting. Request Process Owners and Champions have current progress updates on training activities. Obtain Process Owners Reports from Monthly Meetings.

11 GAR-KENYON STRATEGIC PLAN FY2010 Vision Statement We will increase revenue 50% by 2012 using lean processes company wide to become the preferred source for custom engineered fluid power aerospace components Eliminate Escapes Champion: Peter E. Metrics: Escapes, DPMO Actions 1. Establish Metric Definitions & Methodology (Peter by 1/15/10)‏ 2. Implement reporting (Peter by January Meeting)‏ 3. Analyze root cause and corrective actions for 3Q & 4Q escapes (Peter by 2/28/10)‏ 4. Plan for Standard Work and Training (Peter by 3/31/10)‏ Monthly Management Review on 2 nd Monday of Each Month Chair: Steve F. Attendee's: Steve F, Tom T, Jon F, Jane P, Grace L, Peter E and others by invitation Agenda to be distributed 5 business days prior to meeting. Agenda to include: Goal Reports by each Goal Champion including metrics, analysis & root cause, status against action plans. Performance Improvement Plan review. Customer Scorecard review. Communications Plan and Training Plan. Kaizen reports and newspapers as required. STRATEGIC GOALS On Time Delivery Champion: Jon F. Metrics: Cust. OTD Chart Actions 1. Establish Metric Methodology (Peter by 12/31/09)‏ 2. Implement Reporting (Peter by 1/31/10)‏ 3. Analyze 10 latest each month using Root Cause Analysis, Trends, Actions (Jon for each monthly meeting)‏ 4. Level Load Assy & Test Kaizen (Jon by 3/31/10)‏ 5. Overhaul & Repair Kaizen (Tom by 5/31/10)‏ 6. Develop labor reporting plan (Jane by 2/28/10)‏ New Business Development Champion: Steve F. Metrics: RFQ's / Proposals Actions 1. Establish Metric Methodology (Steve by 1/31/10)‏ 2. Implement Metric Reporting (Steve by February Meeting)‏ 3. Develop Strategic Marketing Plan (Steve by 2/28/10)‏ 4. Kaizen PMA Process (Steve by 7/31/10)‏ S.E.A.Stage 1 Certification Champion: Peter E. Metrics: S.E.A Metrics Actions 1. Self Assessment (Current State)‏ (Peter by 1/31/10)‏ 2. Establish Action Plans (Peter by 3/31/10)‏ 3. Employee Site Visits (Steve by 3/31/10)‏ 4. Submit New Change Management Plan to S.E.A. For Comment (Peter by 1/15/10)‏




15 1st Piece Inspection Inspector will review documents and then inspect part in accordance with the applicable drawings, specifications and other requirements. If Inspection discovers nonconformities, the inspector will review findings with programmer / setup person. A new 1 st piece will be submitted and inspected. This process will continue until part is accepted for production.


17 Employee Review Agenda Strategic Objectives Performance Scorecard SEA Activity Continuous Improvement Activity Training Activities Quality Employee Feedback Closing Comments


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