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 This presentation will help you become a better public speaker through: › Effective use of gestures, words, and voice to engage learners › Responding.

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Presentation on theme: " This presentation will help you become a better public speaker through: › Effective use of gestures, words, and voice to engage learners › Responding."— Presentation transcript:


2  This presentation will help you become a better public speaker through: › Effective use of gestures, words, and voice to engage learners › Responding to different learning styles › Knowledge of the learning environment

3  An ineffective delivery will lose the audience and doom the presentation  Ask for volunteers to speak on the indicated topic in the designated style  The audience is to guess why the style is ineffective  Common sense is not common practice

4 GesturesWordsVoice

5  As much of 90% of communication may be non-verbal  Messages are sent (consciously or unconsciously) through: › Posture › Eye contact › Facial expressions › Gestures


7  Word choice › Learners should understand the terminology › Avoid verbal litter  Voice quality › Tone/pitch › Pronunciation/articulation › Pace › Volume

8 Learner-CenteredPresentation Visual color, shapes, symbols Auditory speaking/listening, sounds, music Tactile/Kinaesthetic feeling, touching, activity-driven

9  Create a comfortable environment, both physically and emotionally › The audience should feel safe and confident that the level of instruction is appropriate  Encourage questions (during or after) the presentation as appropriate  Be aware of diverse experiences, personalities, and learning styles

10  You can become a better public speaker through: › Effective use of gestures, words, and voice to engage learners › Response to different learning styles › Knowledge of the learning environment  Please contact me with questions › Your E-mail

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