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A GP for Me Making it Work in Victoria November 27, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A GP for Me Making it Work in Victoria November 27, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A GP for Me Making it Work in Victoria November 27, 2013

2 Our Vision Promoting healthy communities through excellence in local primary care 2

3 Our Mission – Improving patient care and population health by: Enhancing physician collegiality and professional fulfillment Increasing family physicians’ influence and impact on policy and delivery decisions Building partnerships that facilitate an effective and sustainable health system Ensuring access to excellent primary care 3

4 Our Activities Focusing on incremental change driven by member physicians Working on short term actions and longer term goals 4

5 Our Approach Working with partners (specialists, health authority, and other Divisions) to benefit all in our community 5

6 Working Group Process Conducting intensive root cause analyses Identifying core problems related to Primary care access Locums and practice coverage Mental health and addictions care access Care of the elderly Culminating in development of strategic plan 6

7 7

8 A GP for Me Community Development Initiative in three phases designed to answer these questions, and address the barriers preventing patients from receiving excellent primary care. 8 What makes a strong GP-patient relationship? How can we better support the needs of vulnerable patients? How can we ensure that patients who want a family doctor can find one?

9 Phases 1. Assessment and planning 2. Implementation 3. Evaluation 9 We are currently in the first phase…

10 Assessment and Planning Assessing the community’s needs Planning programs that will be effective, practical and sustainable Guided by a steering committee (a sub- committee of the Board) 10 Analyze demand for primary care Analyze supply Identify citizen and patient preferences Identify key capacity issues facing the local primary care system in relation to the problem of unattached patients Develop solutions/strategies

11 Welcome & Transitions Mentoring Kick-off event in October 2013 Program offering peer support to physicians as they transition through various stages of their professional lives 11

12 Comprehensive Practice Self- Assessment Survey Approximately fifty per cent of members completed the comprehensive survey Answers questions about physician supply and the family medicine community in Victoria 12

13 Primary care access Developing a comprehensive community engagement strategy in order to learn about patients’ experiences and needs In preparation for building infrastructure to match patients with family physicians 13

14 Practice coverage Exploring tools and mechanisms to improve options for practice coverage (i.e., locum and cross- coverage coordination) Exploring the potential role of walk- in clinics in building family practice capacity Identifying methods of recruiting more GPs to the city 14

15 Care of the Elderly A small working group is currently developing an evidence-based model to re-design family physician participation in long term care Goal is to make the system more attractive to family physicians and encourage more FPs to practice in residential settings 15

16 Mental Health & Addictions Care Access Working with Island Health on its plans for a South Island Crisis Clinic, a new referral process, and phone access to psychiatrists Exploring options for professional support and development for GPs around mental health and addictions care Exploring the potential role of GP mental health specialists and group medical visits for mental health care 16

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