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CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Session Seven Class Notes.

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1 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Session Seven Class Notes

2 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Gopher Browsing service for use on the Internet One of the earliest services Popular for several reasons First widespread browsing service Many sites ran gopher servers

3 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Provided access to large quantity of information Popular among novice and non-technical Internet users because the interface was intuitive and easy to use User did not need to remember commands to use gopher

4 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Popularized menu-driven approach to information browsing Displays a menu of choices for the user Each menu item is a short, self- explanatory phrase Each item on a menu contains a hidden reference to additional information

5 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Additional information can correspond to data in a file or to another menu item After menu is displayed, the browser software waits for the user to read the menu and select an item If hidden reference points a data file, browsing software obtains a copy of the file and displays its contents

6 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators If hidden reference points to another menu, the browsing software obtains the new menu and displays it, and waits for the user to make another selection

7 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators If hidden reference points to another computer system, the browsing software jumps to the other computer system and displays a menu from that system

8 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS) Similar to Gopher, service provides one user interface WAIS program worries about how to access information of multiple databases

9 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators User get a menu of documents ranked according to how relevant the server thinks it is to the user’s search Like Gophers, WAIS client programs can be found on many public access Internet sites

10 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Internet Relay Chat (IRC) A program that lets you hold live keyboard conversations with people around the world in real time Each communication occurs on a separate “channel” A user can create a channel and choose a topic

11 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The user specifies whether the channel is open to anyone or restricted to the set of people specified by the channel creator A user can request a list of IRC channels currently in progress and join one of the channels User selects an alias that the IRC uses to identify the user to others

12 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Participant receives each line of text that another participant enters along with participants alias A participant knows that all other participants will receive a copy of the text on their screens

13 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators MUD, MUCK, and MUSE Games Multiple-User Dimensions or Dungeons (MUD) are live, role-playing games in which the user enters, assumes a new identify, and enters an alternate reality through the keyboard

14 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators You explore this alternative reality through a series of simple commands You run across other users who may engage you in a discussion, enlist your aid in a quest, or try to kill you for no apparent reason

15 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators MUCKs and MUSEs are games related to MUDs You may be required to apply in advance for a character name and a password Along with these Classical Board Games which are interactive can also be found on the Internet

16 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Netfind Netfind is a service that uses finger and e-mail to locate a person User enters the name of an individual and information about the organization for which the individual works

17 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Netfind consults a list of organizations to obtain the address of a computer at the organization Then it invokes the finger service at that computer to obtain information about that individual

18 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators The finger program contacts a server on a remote machine to obtain information about a specific user or all user on that machine Although designed to provide information about users, finger has been extended to locate a given userid at a given computer

19 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Talk Talk provides interaction between a pair of users Talk establishes a connection between computers and divides the display screens in half

20 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators What the user types on the keyboard appears in the upper half of the user’s screen and in the lower half of the remote screen Talk sends each keystroke as soon as a user presses the key, so two people can read instantly what the other person types

21 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Traceroute Users who are interested in the structure of the Internet can run the traceroute program Given the name of a remote computer, traceroute prints the list of Internet routers along the path from the local computer to the remote computer

22 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators Although traceroute was intended for use when installing and maintaining Internet connections, it is interesting to see how many routers separate your computer from a given destination computer

23 CPT 499 Internet Skills for Educators World Wide Web (WWW) This service is the hottest thing on the Internet currently

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